Atreyu said:
Thanks very much for this info. I'll definitely look into it when I
have a free block of time as it seems it will require some "studying"
on my part. Anyway, I appreciate your suggestion and comments.
As an example of using Outlook's own rules to check for a particular
header with a specific value (which must be a substring right after and
contiguous to the header name), I use the following rule to trigger on
messages that SpamPal has tagged as spam:
Apply this rule after the message arrives
with "X-SpamPal: SPAM" in the message header
assign it to the "SPAM" category
and move it to the Junk folder
and stop processing more rules
My Junk folder has auto-archive enabled to permanently delete items over
1 day old (if I don't look at it and move it out that day then it's gone
but it affords me the chance to retrieve a false positive) and the
Preview pane is OFF for the Junk folder. I assign it to a category so I
can then customize the view for the Junk folder to use different colors
depending on the reason (i.e., category) for getting them moved there.
You can also add the Category column to the view if you want to see it
that way (so you have 2 indicators for the type of messages that got
moved into the Junk folder).
SpamPal will insert a header to identify if a message got tagged as
spam. It will optionally also insert a tag string in the Subject
header, like "**SPAM**", for email clients that can't search in the
headers, like Outlook Express, so you have SpamPal use either or both
methods to tag spam. The header name is "X-Spampal" and its value for
tagged messages is "SPAM" (it is "PASS" for non-tagged messages). So I
can use the rule in Outlook to look for a particular substring anywhere
in the headers, so by including the header name followed by its value
then I'm pretty sure that it will match against the header and its value
rather than somewhere else as a substring in some other header. That's
why I search on "X-SpamPal: SPAM" (header name, colon, space, value).
In the RegEx plug-in to SpamPal, it appears I can specify within which
header to do the search. So you could specify the string search only
look in a particular header. So the regular expression would declare
the scope of the search be the "X-SpamPal" header and look for
"12\.12\.12\.12" somewhere within it (the backslashes are escape
characters so the period gets treated as a period character rather than
as a wildcard character). If RegEx had not allowed you to specify the
scopy of the search to within a specific header name then you could
still do a search on "^X-SpamPal:.*12\.12\.\12\.12" which means to look
for that string to start at the beginning of a line (^ character), have
0 or more characters after the colon, and look for ""
somewhere thereafter. Regular expressions can be very potent and very
helpful in specifying just where you want to search, and something that
has been lacking in many of Microsoft products.