Possible Creative Audigy Problem

Oct 19, 2004
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Hi guys, i'm wondering if you could help me with a problem i'm having with my computer which i believe is related to my Creative Audigy Soundcard.

Recently during the past few weeks whilst playing games such as Guild Wars, Joint Ops and Half-Life 2 the computer crashes, either to a black screen or a blue screen of death. When this happens you can hear a high pitched noise and some beeps coming through the speakers on a continous loop.

I've moved the sound card up a pci slot to eliminate the possible issue of conflicts, but this hasn't resolved the issue. I also went to the creative web-site to update the drivers, but apart form an eax 4.0 update there has been no newer drivers since the originals. Creative's reputation for driver updates is not good so i've heard.

I originally thought the problem was down to my Radeon 9800 Pro being overclocked, but i've just removed this and installed a new Nvidia 6800GT but the problem remains

Any ideas guys and gals, or is it time i invested in a Creative Audigy 2 XS ?

My PC specs are as follows: AMD XP3000+ (FSB 400), 1 Gig DDR3200, Abit KV-7, Aopen 6800GT, Creative Audigy , Maxtor Diamondmax +9 SATA, LiteOn DVDRW SOHW-1633S

Many Thanks

Stephen AKA JonnySpam
OK now i'm confused :P The BSOD is the usual hardware conflict, change one. But what really stumped me was the fact that the offending item appears to be a nvidia dll file, something along the lines of nv****.dll

But this had only happened the once though. Sorry for the poor description, i blame the beer honest :P Maybe this was a one off occurance, i'm not sure, my head hurts.
check mobo manufacturers website to check for any known problems.

Update chipset drivers as well as video and audio drivers. also see if there is a BIOS update for your mobo check the list of what the updates fix.
OK guys i have an update to my problem. It seems that there's nothing wrong with my audio card, more the nvidia forceware drivers. The exact error is Page_Fault_In_Nonpaged_Area resulting to file: NV4_disp.dll which brings up a BSOD and requires a restart in my case.

Apparently this is causing havock with many people. My problem is fairly remote and random in occurence, but some people are even unable to boot into windows, poor people :(

If it gets worse i'll either download an earlier driver, or hope that Nvidia release some kind of fixed driver.

Just thought you guys might like to hear that one. As for everything else, i've got the latest bios updates, and drivers across the system.