Possible Bugs in XL2000 Onwards?



Hello All,
First one,
If you select View Full Screen in Excel 2000, either via the View Toolbar or
by VBA
Application.DisplayFullScreen = True ,
the sheet tabs either disappear or can only just be seen. The answer is to
pull the Windows Start Task Bar down manually until its just a sliver, then
pull it back up, the sheet tabs can then be seen as normal. This is the same
in Office XP which I as understand is Excel 2002, don't know about 2003.
Second one,
If a macro is recorded to hide the Formula Bar, it hides the Status bar
instead! This is what appears in the VBA Module
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False

Anyone know if I'm doing something wrong in either of these, or if they are
Bugs, is there a fix?


Jerry W. Lewis

1. That is the definition of Full Screen. If you want Excel to fill the
screen with menus and tabs visible, click the Maximize button on the
upper right.

2. I cannot reproduce this in Excel XP. When I record a macro and
select Tools|Options|View and uncheck "Formula bar", Excel records

Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False



1. That is the definition of Full Screen.
That's not what it did in 95 or 97, after all if one chooses to select full
screen to see more of the data on the screen, what use is the spread sheet
if the sheet tabs cant be seen, as I said, pre 2000 versions did not behave
like that.

I just tried the macro recording again and it did the same thing, it
recorded code to hide the Status Bar. I went on View and unchecked Formula
Bar. This occurs on both my home and work PC's. Most odd.


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