Possible BUG: .701 update starts but fails for limited rights user




This happened on my system and I got several reports from others with
similar configurations: standalone Win XP SP2 (Pro and Home) with limited
rights user account for normal daily use.

A popup appears for the limited rights user suggesting to update from the
current version (.615) to 1.0.701
After clicking YES the updates seems to start, but somwhere halfway a system
warning appears wih something like "your system manager has blocked installs
of this type" (sorry, I didn't keep the exact message). After clicking OK in
this message the updater dissappears but a popup tells me that "Microsoft
Antispyware upgrades successfull. (...)"

But if I look in Help, About it is still .615 .
Every few days the update notefication reappears.

When I log in with Administrator rights to update notification appears
immidiately and this time it is successfull.

IMHO the updater should check for user priviliges early in the process and
notify the user that onlu an administrator can do this, like other products

cheers, Willem


Andre Da Costa said:
It is a known issue that the beta 1 release does not support limited user
accounts, this will be resolved in beta 2. For beta 1, you have operate it
exclusively under a Administrator account.

I cannot find anything about this limitation in the release notes or the
FAQ. Since half a year or so the definition updates work fine for a limited
rights user and so do most of the other functions. I only noticed that if I
choose to block or allow an event and click "remember this action for this
type event" it keeps coming back until I make the choice as administrator.
For the rest I am very satisfied with the product.

100% support for limited rights accounts is essential though. Because using
a limited account is the best way to keep Windows stable on a family PC. And
because it is required for MSAS to pass the "Designed for Windows XP logo
test" ;^)

cheers, Willem

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