this report from Microsoft AntiSpyware
Possible Browser Hijack (BrowserModifyer) , Threat Level
High , View all detected
That is the name of the home Page I have chosen .
AntiSpyware is revealing it as a High Threat .
Why ? I chose it by Windows .
I did have Blank Page Home Page and ok'd the AntiSpyware
approval to make xtramsn my home page .
It couldn't be an elaborate hoax , could it ?
It is the xtramsn home page .
Possible Browser Hijack (BrowserModifyer) , Threat Level
High , View all detected
That is the name of the home Page I have chosen .
AntiSpyware is revealing it as a High Threat .
Why ? I chose it by Windows .
I did have Blank Page Home Page and ok'd the AntiSpyware
approval to make xtramsn my home page .
It couldn't be an elaborate hoax , could it ?
It is the xtramsn home page .