Positive Experiences with Vista Mail


Brian Levy

Have a new Vista based unit and just playing with it as some of my business
programs will not load on it. I like my units lean and mean so decided to
look at the Mail, Contact and new Calendar programs. Someone at MS must have
goofed as these are stating to come together as a basic system and work
together. For some reason, MS never seemed to want to do this in the past.
Sadly, MS still has not seen fit to create a uniiversal set of file formats
to go between Express and Outlook and these new programs. Similar to Works
and Office. You'd think they would welcoome cross application compatibility.

Anyway, the mail program was easy to set up and I've been alle to populate
the Contact program. No glitches, crashes or problems after a couple of
weeks. In fact I am thinking about not installing Outlook or my other
Contact/e-mail system on ths machine and see just how robust it is for every
day use in the office and at home.

I do wish MS would do an XP update to bring Outlook Express and the address
book in XP up to the level of the newer Vista versions and add the Calendar

Gary VanderMolen

Outlook Express will not be updated. SP3 was the last update for
Windows XP, which will receive only security fixes from now on.

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