position of toolStrips inside toolStripPanel

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ondrej Dobecka
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Ondrej Dobecka

it's there a simple way how to place (more) toolStrips INSIDE toolStripPanel, but NOT in a FLOW mode (which is standard), but simply in that place where I move it? So, simply said, I need move toolStrips freely inside toolStripPanel.

Thank you much for answer ...

Ondrej Dobecka
(e-mail address removed)
Hi Ondrej,

Sorry that I couldn't understand your question exactly.

Could you explain more about the sentence " I need move toolStrips freely
inside toolStripPanel"?

In my opinion, by default, we can move ToolStrips freely inside

I look forward to your reply.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Hi Linda,

thank you. Again the problem :
there is a big toolStripPanel on the form.
I want to move (drop) some toolStrips into this toolStripPanel. Of course I know - that it's working - but...

When you drop MORE toolStrips into this toolStripPanel , they are aligned automatically somehow in rows ...
But I want to move a toolStrip to exact position (let's say manually) in which I dropped it down.

For example, one toolStrip OVER another toolStrip. Like little MDI windows ...
(because there is some layout calculating of inserted toolStrips in toolStripPanel...)

So maybe I need to override the onLayout event of toolStripPanel ?

And maybe another question, what is the best way (or a place where to read about it) how to do the VS2005 side tabbed docking ?

Sorry for an amateur question and not the best english quality ..

Thank you very much :)

Ondrej Dobecka
(e-mail address removed)
Hi Ondrej,

Thank you for your prompt response and detailed explanation.

ToolStripPanel creates a container within which other controls can share
horizontal or vertical space.

I'm sorry to say that I don't think it is possible to locate a ToolStrip to
the exact position where it is dropped down. It depends on the current
layout in the ToolStripPanel, i.e. whether there's already a ToolStrip at
the right position.
For example, one toolStrip OVER another toolStrip. Like little MDI
windows ...

Could you please tell me why you'd like it? Maybe we have another way to
accomplish what you really want.
what is the best way (or a place where to read about it) how to do the
VS2005 side tabbed docking ?

Do you mean that you want to mimic the tab docking behavior in VS05,e.g.
drag the Solution Explorer and dock it to the left, top,right or bottom
side? I think you may use TabControl in your application and handle the
MouseDown and MouseMove events of the TabControl. In the event handlers,
add or remove the current tab page if necessary.

Hope this helps.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support
Hi Ondrej,

How about the problem now?

If you need our further assistance, please feel free to let me know.

Thank you for using our MSDN Managed Newsgroup Support Service!

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support