Position Msgbox



In Access 2000, is there any way to position a message box on a form? I'd
like it to appear at the top of my form instead of in the middle. If not,
any suggestions on what to use instead of a msgbox?


You don't have that much control over a message box. If you must do this,
then you will need to create your own pop up modal form designed to mimic a
message box


Thanks for your response!

Klatuu said:
You don't have that much control over a message box. If you must do this,
then you will need to create your own pop up modal form designed to mimic a
message box


How is it possible to control the position of a pop-up? the system seems to
remeber it, but I don't see anywhere to set in the properties. Is there some
way through VB?


You can adjust the size and position of a form (but not a message box) with
the MoveSize property. See VBA help for more. I beleive that in order to
covert twips (the unit used in MoveSize and other functions) to inches you
need to muptiply by 1440.

Douglas J Steele

Other way around: to convert twips to inches you divide by 1440. (There are
1440 twips in an inch)


I said the exact opposite, didn't I? My spelling wasn't so hot, either. I
meant to say multiply inches by 1440 to get the measurement in twips.
Whose idea was twips, anyhow?

Douglas J Steele

I believe it's yet another unit from the printing industry, developers of
such catchy units as ens and ems. One reference I read said it stands for
twentieths of a point (where a point is "A unit of type size equal to
0.01384 inch, or approximately one seventy-secondth of an inch")

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