Apr 16, 2015
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We had our 2 POS installed yesterday and the company offered extended warranty or something that you pay and you get service for 2 more years? Would I need this for a small pet store? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
Question you need to ask is how much it would cost to have your POS repaired if something were to go wrong and you didn't have an extended warranty.
Murphy's Law says ... the day after the warranty ends, all hell breaks loose! :)

What's a POS? (piece of shit?)
Tricky, indeed. But muckshifter is also right. I've had the same experience with my washing machine at home. After the 1 year warranty, it started acting up. :(

Anyway, our POS has 1 year warranty included. They are offering an additional 2 years warranty and service for additional cost. I am contemplating getting the additional warranty or getting the service of something like, [mucks edit] an independent company, for service? Any thoughts please? or maybe I don't need either of them?
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