John P. Chambers, LMSW-ACP, LMFT. LPC
My windows 2000 server doesn't show ports in the device manager, it just
isn't there.
Any ideas on what to do.
If I run the repair option on the installation disk will it likely fix this
and if so what will it mess up.
Thanks for any help.
Sender: John P. Chambers Business: Discovery Center, Inc.
Hm. Ph. (713) 465-4209 Bus. Ph.: (713) 963-0043
Texas Licenses: Fax Ph.: 713 - 465-6069
LMSW-ACP, LMFT, 6024 Fairdale
LPC, LCDC Houston, Texas 77057
http://www.DiscoveryOffice.com Main Email mailto:[email protected]
http://www.hal-pc.org/~jpc/ Email: mailto:[email protected]
Hounix, Inc. (Unix User Group) Houston, Texas Past President
Virtual FoxPro User Group (VFUG) Public Relations Mgr.
http://www.vfug.org/ Email mailto:[email protected]
AFP (Active FoxProPages) http://www.afpweb.com/ Email mailto:[email protected]
Member HAL-PC BOD and FoxPro SIG Flunky
http://www.hal-pc.org/~jpc Email mailto:[email protected]
Solution Group, MS Solution Providers
isn't there.
Any ideas on what to do.
If I run the repair option on the installation disk will it likely fix this
and if so what will it mess up.
Thanks for any help.
Sender: John P. Chambers Business: Discovery Center, Inc.
Hm. Ph. (713) 465-4209 Bus. Ph.: (713) 963-0043
Texas Licenses: Fax Ph.: 713 - 465-6069
LMSW-ACP, LMFT, 6024 Fairdale
LPC, LCDC Houston, Texas 77057
http://www.DiscoveryOffice.com Main Email mailto:[email protected]
http://www.hal-pc.org/~jpc/ Email: mailto:[email protected]
Hounix, Inc. (Unix User Group) Houston, Texas Past President
Virtual FoxPro User Group (VFUG) Public Relations Mgr.
http://www.vfug.org/ Email mailto:[email protected]
AFP (Active FoxProPages) http://www.afpweb.com/ Email mailto:[email protected]
Member HAL-PC BOD and FoxPro SIG Flunky
http://www.hal-pc.org/~jpc Email mailto:[email protected]
Solution Group, MS Solution Providers