portions of web pages won't open



There are two users on my xp computer, myself and my wife. I can get
into any and all web pages with no problems, but she can't. As far as
I can tell all of the setting for both users are identical, including
all norton, mcafee, and internet options items. Any ideas about what
is the problem?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

drthvdr said:
There are two users on my xp computer, myself and my wife. I can get
into any and all web pages with no problems, but she can't. As far as
I can tell all of the setting for both users are identical, including
all norton, mcafee, and internet options items. Any ideas about what
is the problem?

Turn off McAfee Privacy for her.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
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