Steve Richter
Would appreciate some help settling a friendly argument 
What is the degree of difficulty of porting an sql procedure from a db2
database application to a sql server database application?
The following statement, is it accurate:
"...DB2 UDB for iSeries, and the broader DB2 UDB Family's support of
SQL Stored Procedures, is based on the SQL Persistent Stored Modules
(PSM) industry standard. Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures are
based on a proprietary language known as Transact SQL. Porting SQL
Procedures across the DB2 Family is easily accomplished because of the
common support for the PSM standard. Porting a DB2 SQL procedure to
Microsoft SQL Server requires manual conversion by the programmer due
to Microsoft's proprietary procedural language. IBM has provided the
DB2 Migration Toolkit to automate the conversion of proprietary
Transact SQL procedures to the standard SQL syntax that the DB2 Family
supports. ..."
If SQLServer does not adhere to the "SQL Persistent Stored Modules"
industry standard, are there software migration tools available which
translate db2 sql code to sql server sql?

What is the degree of difficulty of porting an sql procedure from a db2
database application to a sql server database application?
The following statement, is it accurate:
"...DB2 UDB for iSeries, and the broader DB2 UDB Family's support of
SQL Stored Procedures, is based on the SQL Persistent Stored Modules
(PSM) industry standard. Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures are
based on a proprietary language known as Transact SQL. Porting SQL
Procedures across the DB2 Family is easily accomplished because of the
common support for the PSM standard. Porting a DB2 SQL procedure to
Microsoft SQL Server requires manual conversion by the programmer due
to Microsoft's proprietary procedural language. IBM has provided the
DB2 Migration Toolkit to automate the conversion of proprietary
Transact SQL procedures to the standard SQL syntax that the DB2 Family
supports. ..."
If SQLServer does not adhere to the "SQL Persistent Stored Modules"
industry standard, are there software migration tools available which
translate db2 sql code to sql server sql?