porting expression templates to generics (2)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zoran Stipanicev
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Zoran Stipanicev


I've changed the code to use Apply instead of operator() and now I get
this errors:
(1) left of '.Apply' must have class/struct/union
(2) left of '.GetRowNum' must have class/struct/union
(3) 'return' : cannot convert from
'Expression<Lhs,Rhs>' to 'Expression<Lhs,Rhs>'
Cannot copy construct struct 'Expression<Lhs,Rhs>' due to
ambiguous copy constructors or no available copy constructor

public interface class IExpression
typedef System::Single tip;
virtual tip Apply(int r, int c);
virtual int GetRowNum();

generic <class Lhs, class Rhs>
where Lhs:IExpresion
where Rhs:IExpresion
ref struct Expression : public IExpresion
typedef float tip;
Expression( Lhs% lhs, Rhs% rhs)
: l_(lhs), r_(rhs)
virtual tip Apply (int r, int c)
(1) return l_.Apply(r, c) + r_.Apply(r, c);

virtual int GetRowNum()
(2) return l_.GetRowNum();

Lhs l_;
Rhs r_;

generic <class Lhs, class Rhs>
where Lhs:IExpression
where Rhs:IExpression
Expression<Lhs, Rhs> operator +(Lhs% lhs, Rhs% rhs)
(3) return Expression<Lhs, Rhs>(lhs, rhs);
Zoran said:
generic <class Lhs, class Rhs>
where Lhs:IExpresion
where Rhs:IExpresion
ref struct Expression : public IExpresion
Lhs l_;
Rhs r_;

Lhs and Rhs are of type IExpression, which are interface types, and
therefore they can't be instantiated. Try

Lhs% l_;
Rhs% r_;

or use handles:

Expression(Lhs^ lhs, Rhs^ rhs) : l_(lhs), r_(rhs) { }
Lhs^ l__;
Rhs^ r_;

Hi Tom!

I've tried that and the errors are:
error C3160: 'Rhs %' : a data member of a managed class cannot have
this type
error C3229: 'Rhs ^' : indirections on a generic type parameter are not

Any other idea?


Best regards,
Zoran Stipanicev
I've tried that and the errors are:
error C3160: 'Rhs %' : a data member of a managed class cannot have
this type
error C3229: 'Rhs ^' : indirections on a generic type parameter are not

It seems that a generic parameter is a handle by itself, and you must
not use the ^ symbol with it. When you write

Lhs l_;

it's actually a handle, and works like if it was declared as

Lhs^ l_;

Therefore you can't use


you must do


I find this very confusing, it's a bad thing in my opinion. Declaring
something with stack semantics, which is in fact a handle? I wonder why
they made it like that. If it's a handle, it should have the caret
symbol, and if it's not a handle, it should use the . syntax, not ->. I
seem to be a serious inconsistency in the language.

Well, that covers errors 1 and 2. The 3rd is because you don't have a
copy constructor, and the compiler doesn't create one for you. You have
to write your own. I don't know if this does what you want, but it compiles:

Expression(Expression% source)
: l_(source.l_), r_(source.r_)


I've rewritten the code and it solved those errors but now I get this
stdafx.obj : error LNK2005: "struct DotNetMat::Expression<Lhs,Rhs>
__clrcall DotNetMat::operator+<Lhs,Rhs>(class MAAABAAB::Lhs
%,class MAAABAAC::Rhs %)
already defined in dotNET_Sustav_Matrica.obj
...\Debug\dotNET_Sustav_Matrica.exe : fatal error LNK1169:
one or more multiply defined symbols found

(DotNetMat in error text is a namespace in which
all classes and operators are defined)
I really don't know why this error occurs because there is only one
"operator +"
in whole project.

Here is the new code (I've added constructor and replaced "." with

public interface class IExpression {/*same as before*/}

generic <class Lhs, class Rhs>
where Lhs:IExpression
where Rhs:IExpression
ref struct Expression : public DotNetMat::IExpression
typedef float tip;

Expression(Expression% org)
: l_(org.l_), r_(org.r_)

/*Also tried this but the same error occurs
Expression(const Expression% org)
: l_( const_cast<Lhs>(org.l_) ), r_(
const_cast<Rhs>(org.r_) )
Expression( Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)
: l_(lhs), r_(rhs)
virtual tip Apply (int r, int c)
return l_->Apply(r, c) + r_->Apply(r, c);

virtual int GetRowNum()
return l_->GetRowNum();
Lhs l_;
Rhs r_;


generic <class Lhs, class Rhs>
where Lhs:IExpression
where Rhs:IExpression
Expression<Lhs, Rhs> operator +(Lhs% lhs, Rhs% rhs)//same error
with op+(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs){...}
return Expression<Lhs, Rhs>(lhs, rhs);

Matrix^ lhs = gcnew Matrix(3);//creates matrix 3x3
Matrix^ rhs = gcnew Matrix(3);

System::Console::WriteLine( (lhs + rhs).Apply(1,1) ); //(lhs +
rhs)->Apply(1,1) can't be used


Best regards,
Zoran Stipanicev.
About the syntax problem you mentioned, I found this in msdn library:

Handles types and value types may be used as type arguments. In the
definition, in which either type may be used, the syntax is that of
types. For example, the -> operator is used to access members of the
type of the
type parameter whether or not the type eventually used is a reference
type or a
value type. When a value type is used as the type argument, the runtime

generates code that uses the value types directly without boxing the

When using a reference type as a generic type argument, use the handle
When using a value type as a generic type argument, use the name of the

// generics_overview_2.cpp

// compile with: /clr

generic <typename T>

ref class GenericType {};

ref class ReferenceType {};

value struct ValueType {};

int main() {

GenericType<ReferenceType^> x;

GenericType<ValueType> y;