Portal 2


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Anyone else getting/got this?

Not though much of it so far, but it looks rather tasty in some of the vids.

Rather than posting a load of youtube links/vids, best bet is to check out the Valve YT Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/Valve#p/u

I'll probably be getting it. Paul Thurrott (of winsupersite) was talking about it on Leo Laporte's podcast network yesterday, and he said the graphics were awesome. He also said there was a lot of humor in it, much like in the original Portal. Not sure about the cake though ;)
Considering the first one was more or less for free (part of the Orange Box) and they want £26.00 for this one seems it's time for combining the words 'Mick' 'the' and 'taking'.

I really didn't care for the first one so no, I won't be buying this one.
I had the first one that came free but passed it on. I then ended up downloading it on xbox live for 400 MS points. I will probably buy it when the price comes down a bit. Its 50 euro at the moment. Too dear.
Considering the first one was more or less for free (part of the Orange Box) and they want £26.00 for this one seems it's time for combining the words 'Mick' 'the' and 'taking'.

Portal 2 is around four times as long as the first game (depending on brainpower), with a far greater story arc, and a depth in gameplay mechanics which you'd often miss out on, compared to the likes of the Call of Duty franchise. Perhaps as this is a full bloodied release, as opposed to the first game being put out there on conceptual ground, warrants the full price tag. Then again, I'm all things Valve.

It's been one of the greatest games I've played in the past decade. It's the funniest game ever released, de facto. I'd really recommend it.

EDIT: I tend to get carried away.
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If this comes on a Steam special one day soon, then I'll be grabbing this :). I've not actually played any more than the Portal Demo, as I bought the HL2 episodes separately, so didn't get the Orange Box.
Steam did give portal away at one point. If i see an offer again, which i'm sure there will be one... I'll post it up. :)
lol, that article is 363 days old, or, if you like, just shy of a year. No the free portal promo isn't available anymore. :)
Cool! That translates to $30 for me, which sure beats $50 on Steam, so I just ordered it too :)
Never played this although for £12.99 delivered I may just go ahead and order!

Mr Flopp's at this price surely its worth a punt for when you have finished chewing ass and kicking bubblegum..:lol:

Gets some top reviews this does!
Well, if I didn't like the first one then I probably won't like the 2nd one.

If Amazon have reduced it to 13 already it probably means it hasn't been selling that well.

It's probably a good game but punters remember the first one was more or less a freebie, as I've mentioned.

In August it will be in GAME stores for Xbox 360 & PS3 for a tenner or less probably ;)
Its supposed to be a lot more involving than the first, i didn't like the first one too much tbh. I shall let you know. :)

BTW, if you didn't know this installs into steam even if bought retail, which is good! :)
I know I'm bumping an old thread, but I've only just got round to fully playing Portal 1 and 2... I've really missed out by not doing this sooner! What great games, with a nice touch of humour :D

This is back on Steam for less than £7... bargain :thumb: