Alpago_microsoft addictive
Hi to everyone!
My Friends I have a problem with tcp/ip connection using some ports...I
wanna limit or disable these ports without the power of firewall...Why I
wanna choose this problem is that in our company domain users can disable
firewall and it does not work unfortunately... Maybe a solution with a
registry script can limit the specified ports..may distribute these script
within the group policy and solve the problem as well...is there any script
there or any other solution..?Please help!This is important for our company
because something may happen against law because of some using web-tunnel
programming using some ports....
Thanks for your help by now....
My Friends I have a problem with tcp/ip connection using some ports...I
wanna limit or disable these ports without the power of firewall...Why I
wanna choose this problem is that in our company domain users can disable
firewall and it does not work unfortunately... Maybe a solution with a
registry script can limit the specified ports..may distribute these script
within the group policy and solve the problem as well...is there any script
there or any other solution..?Please help!This is important for our company
because something may happen against law because of some using web-tunnel
programming using some ports....
Thanks for your help by now....