ok, so the way it normally works is this:
At the office you have...
**a router which allows everyone at the office to connect to the internet.
** several PC's running XP Pro
All RDC, by default, listens on port 3389.
so... at your office you have several PC's all listening on port 3389 for an
incoming call...so how does it know which one to go to.. I mean how can you
make it so that when YOU connect to the office (suing the same IP address
that all other remote users use,,) that it connects to YOUR PC??
That is done in the router.. the router is configured so that when a packet
(a call, so to speak) that is meant for a particulr port, comes into the
router, it is FORWARDED to a specif PC. You physically put in information
into the router and tell it permanently where to send those packets to...
So what if ya got several remote systems that want to use RDC to remotely
control their office PC?
You can do that by changing the LISTENING port (3389 by default) on some
of the systems. You change it so that each PC is listening on a different
port. This is done in the registry and I think that that site you were at
expalins how. It's pretty easy to do...
THEN... from your home pc,when you start the client, you specify the port to
For example..say your particular office PC was changed to listen on port
Then lets say that the STATIC ip address of YOUR system was
Lets also say the STATIC ip address of your router was (If you don't
have a static WAN ip address, then look into DDNS. I like no-ip.com, it's
You would then go into the router (if ya don't know how to do this, call a
tech) and configure PORT FORWARDING (different routers call it different
things) to forward port 3390 to IP address
Then at your home, in the RDC client, you would type in
...and that should work.
Maybe some other offices you may have colleges (sp) in, do it a somewhat
different way (still pretty common).. they use a TERMINAL SERVER.which
basically allows lots of people to connect remotely and simultaniously. It's
not remote control.. youre not controlling YOUR pc.. but if the applications
are installed on the terminal server, then all remote users will be able to
use them as if they were IN the office... so it accomplishes the same thing
in a better way.
BTW.. your dial up connection at your home is a major bottleneck. Remote
control wont be very fast. turn off all the options you can. Get broadband,
it's very much worth it.
...also-- the web test you did on the ports at your home, failed because XP
home does NOT support an RDC connection.. you can use it to connect to
others, but others cant connect to you. So your Home pc is NOT listening on
port 3389, so the test fails.
Bitvise makes a really nice SSH server for a good price. The client will
even make an RDC connection for you. It also supports TFTP for file
transfer. and it's SSH, so it is very secure. Out of the box, I think,
doesn't really have an data security... something to think about!! That
data travels over the internet in plain text!! Also, consider how secure
your password is. Remember.. if YOU can connect, so can anyone else anywhere
on the internet! Protect yourself!.. I'd really recommend the SSH system.
there are free ones you can get, but this one is nice and easy!
If you did use it, the server runs on your office PC. forward port 22 to
your office ip. Run the client at your home.