Port Forwarding with WinXP & Westell 2200 router

Mar 2, 2006
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Hello all,
I can't seem to get my router (I assume it's my router configuration
giving me the trouble) to allow access from the outside to my server. I
spent most of the day yesterday at
http://www.portforward.com/ trying to follow the instructions on how to
properly forward a port. I think (there I go again) that I followed the
instructions for my specific router correctly, although the
instructions were a little incomplete. I don't have any other computers
on my network, therefore, I surmised that I didn't need to create a
static IP address. I forwarded one port to my router and that port is
attached to my internal IP address. I then call a friend and ask them
the try and connect with the address:
Everytime the attempt to connect is made, my friend gets the message
"cannot connect to server". Let's say I wantd Apache to use port 7777;
in the port range of the router configuration page, I inserted:
7777-7777, and as the base port-7777. This is what the PortForward.com
suggested. Any suggestions?
The manual for my router explains how to plug it in to my PC--I think that I conquered that mountain. My appache server help file says to follow the directions of my router manual. My Westell 2200 router help file explains what the text input boxes are for: i.e.: "type port that you want to forward here; type range of ports here if applicable; type base port here; if you need a static IP address, type it here" and so on. The most complete set of directions that I could find was on www.PortForward.com and they guided me through the process that I explained in my previous post. I'm beginning to think that the port that needs to be inserted into the "base port" field is my external IP, not my internal IP. But if that's true, I would think (there I go again) that I would need to create a static IP because my external IP changes every day or so.

You da' man, muckshifter.
I should've looked for the forum connected to the site while I was there...d-d-d-duh.

I'll try it.

Sorry that I haven't posted something earlier, but in the course of following some of the excellent suggestions given to me in this and other forums I've discovered that my newly installed IIS 6.0 and Visual Studio 2005 is getting in the way of things. It seems that IIS won't recognize (or I haven't learned how to make it do so) my Apache 2.2.2. In other words, I've gotten side tracked trying to figure out why IIS seems to concentrate entirely on ASP applications. As you all know, I'm pretty new to web applications. I've got to do a lot more research into how these apps. interact.

Thank you all for your help.
