Port Blocking



On my home computer I run a Faststream Http server which has to listen on
port 90. This port is forwarded on my router and unrestricted on my firewall.

Unfortunately I can not access this server from school as it seems that they
block adding port numbers to the end of addresses

Could someone possibly tell me a way to get around this?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Ask the network admin at school. If the reason is sound, most will try to
work with you. If it is not school related, then don't access it from there.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org


you're stuck
forward wan 80 > lan 90
why are you required to be using it ?
faststream-http.damien seems overly popular with compromisers.

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