In my log file, every few minutes there is a deny from my external IP address to my Internal IP address from UDP port 138
Specifically, the error reads..
"%PIX-3-106011: Deny inbound (No xlate) udp src inside: dst inside:
The destination address that it is looking for is an old ip address, which is no longer existing. Maybe it's got the IP address from the Browser list on the WINS Server which has a record of the old ip
Anyone know why it is doing this, and what exactly the 138 port is used for? I know what it says it is used for, but I don't understand what it is used for
Specifically, the error reads..
"%PIX-3-106011: Deny inbound (No xlate) udp src inside: dst inside:
The destination address that it is looking for is an old ip address, which is no longer existing. Maybe it's got the IP address from the Browser list on the WINS Server which has a record of the old ip
Anyone know why it is doing this, and what exactly the 138 port is used for? I know what it says it is used for, but I don't understand what it is used for