Popups during startup



Hi people,

Each time my computer boots, a window will open. This empty folder has
a path of C:\Program Files\Common

What is this? I'm using CCleaner from Piriform and Startup don't show
anything suspicious.

Hope you guys can help me out. Thanks.


Dreamchaser said:
Hi people,

Each time my computer boots, a window will open. This empty folder has
a path of C:\Program Files\Common

What is this? I'm using CCleaner from Piriform and Startup don't show
anything suspicious.

Hope you guys can help me out. Thanks.

This can be caused by a blank entry, such as can be left behind by an
incomplete program removal, in the:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and/or
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run keys.

The first and easiest place to look is in your Startup by using the System
Configuration Utility:

Start>Run>msconfig [enter]

This brings up the System Configuration Utility. Look on the Startup tab and
find the probable culprit. Uncheck the box next to its name, Apply and OK
out. You don't need to restart immediately, but the next time you do you'll
get a dialog saying you've used the Utility. Just tick the box that says in
effect, "don't bother me about this again".

Important - Do not use the System Configuration Utility to stop processes.
Instead, use Start>Run>services.msc [enter] and do not stop any services
unless you really, really know what you're doing.

How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP -

If you don't see anything using msconfig, Start>Run>regedit and navigate to
the two keys I gave you at the beginning of my answer.

Since you mention using CCleaner, I must caution you *not* to use the
registry cleaning portion of the program. If you used this part of
CCleaner, this may be why you are having the error in the first place. I
like CCleaner a great deal and use it when cleaning up clients' infected
machines, but registry work should only be done by hand and then only if
you really know what you're doing.


Rey Santos

Click on My Computer. Go to Tools - Folder Options. Click on the View tab and
make sure that "Show hidden files and folders" is checked. Also uncheck "Hide
protected operating system files" and "Hide extensions for known file types".
Click "Apply" then "OK"

Then see if you can locate the folder:

C:\Program Files\Common (not Common Files)

It should be an empty folder.
Delete the folder its empty anyway.

Do you have Northon AV?


Dreamchaser said:
Hi people,

Each time my computer boots, a window will open. This empty folder has
a path of C:\Program Files\Common

What is this? I'm using CCleaner from Piriform and Startup doesn't show
anything suspicious.

Hope you guys can help me out. Thanks.

There's a "C:\Program Files\Common Files" folder that's being referenced
during Startup. Since the path isn't in quotes, it's seen as the above
path. If you can find the entry in the registry, put the path in
quotes, and the actual file will be started. You can also look at the
Start Menu's Startup folder, check the Properties of each shortcut, and
make sure the paths are in quotes. If there's a switch after the path,
it shouldn't be in quotes. An example might be:

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\Security
Center\UsrPrmpt.exe" /switch /anotherswitch

The first "switch" starts with a slash, and that makes it somewhat easy
to recognize. The second quote was placed after the path, and before
the space separating the first switch. Post back if you have any questions.

Doug Knox suggested:

"Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT The locations you're primarily
interested in, if it's loading from the Registry are:



These are the most likely locations for programs loading from the
registry. Find the specific entry and double click it. Enclose the
command line in quotes. "

If that doesn't do it, continue the helpful thread from Aug., 2005, here:


Startup Programs Tracker, mentioned in the thread, is located under the
"Win XP Utilities" link.

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