Hi, I a new user of access. I have a table called DATA (its form is also
called DATA)with 10 fields. 3 are important: Name, Surname and ID. In this
table I write new data all the time (new customers). I have another table
called AVIS in which I have 3 fields also called Name, Surname and ID. In
this form I write bad customers. I would like to program the form DATA so
that when I enter new customers in this form, a popup or warning shows saying
that a similar Name, Surname or ID is being used in the AVIS table. The popup
is to warn who ever enters the new customers that this customer might be
I'm very new to access, sorry.
called DATA)with 10 fields. 3 are important: Name, Surname and ID. In this
table I write new data all the time (new customers). I have another table
called AVIS in which I have 3 fields also called Name, Surname and ID. In
this form I write bad customers. I would like to program the form DATA so
that when I enter new customers in this form, a popup or warning shows saying
that a similar Name, Surname or ID is being used in the AVIS table. The popup
is to warn who ever enters the new customers that this customer might be
I'm very new to access, sorry.