Popup file list

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My IE 6 toolbar shows an icon for blocked popups, and the number count for
blocked items. Where can I find that file to take a look? Thanks.

Best, Paul
Would you be using the Google toolbar perhaps? I don't think the IE pop-up
blocker has a counter.
Thanks for the quick getbacks, guys. It's Windows XP Pro w/SP2. I have the
AOL popup blocker enabled, but that shouldn't be doing anything if I'm using
IE direct from the desktop. It's the Google toolbar. I'd like to take a look
at what's been blocked and stored if I can access the file.

Best, Paul
The Google toolbar doesn't keep a list of the sites it's blocked. The info
on the number of sites it's blocked is in the registry - in the
"KillPopupCount" key here:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Toolbar\4.0\Options

The list of sites where you've told it to allow pop-ups is in this key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Toolbar\4.0\whitelist

If you'd like to reset the counter or remove a site from the whitelist, see:
Thanks, Jon. Lots of usefull info. I haven't had a chance to try it all yet,
but a couple questions.

There is no actual list of blocked sites that I can view, just a count
file... correct? If there IS such a list and I go ahead and reset the
counter, does the file remain or get nixxed? Part of my never-ending fight
with bloated, unnecessary files/folders.

BTW, I have no idea what the first part of this path means:
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Toolbar\4.0\whitelist'. If I search
"whitelist", will it be listed. Or should I pop the full path into the Google
browser bar and click 'Go'? Sorry to be such a pain. After 5 years I'm still
trying to get a grip on the XP and IE thing!

Best, Paul

Best, Paul
No, there's no list of sites where the Google toolbar pop-up blocker has
blocked pop-ups. They are all blocked. There's only the "whitelist" - site
where you *allow* pop-ups. If you reset the counter, only the counter gets
reset, your "whitelist" remains intact. The counter info and the
"whitelist" site list is stored in the registry. You can tell when the
Google toolbar is blocking a pop-up as your cursor will change briefly to a
hand with a red and yellow starburst on it with a exclamation point in it,
and the pop-up icon on the toolbar will show a red/yellow circle with an
exclamation point in it as well.

The information I pointed you to is contained in the Windows Registry. This
is the main core instruction set for Windows and all your programs. You can
access it by going to Start...Run...type in "regedit" (no quotes), click
Okay. But I would *strongly* advise not messing around in there if you
don't know what you are doing, as a mistake there can cause errors, up to
causing your computer to not boot.

How to back up and restore the registry in Windows XP and Windows Vista

If you want to know more about the registry and the files it's stored in:

Windows registry information for advanced users