Populating the huge data into the combos

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ramnadh
  • Start date Start date



I am binding the Combo with the huge data consists of more
than 5000 items in it....to bind that one it is taking
time...in the mean time, it is showing the class path

If that class path doesn't have to show, what shall we do
to not show any message or class path when the huge data
is binding into the combo.
I am binding the Combo with the huge data consists of more
than 5000 items in it....to bind that one it is taking
time...in the mean time, it is showing the class path

First, you might want to reconsider your UI. Is it really feasible for
a person to navigate through a dropdown of 5000 items?

Second, to understand a bit more on how the ComboBox and ListBox decide
what to display, see:

Yeh! It is really required and i think it is feasible for
a person to navigate through the sorted data...the
requirement is like that. can't we restrict that view of
the classpath, System.Data.DataViewManagerListItem in the
When binding the huge data to the combo until the data
bind to the combo that combo doesn't know which data is
going to bind. So it shows the path of the class in the
combo until the data is bind. To prevent this one thing
that we can do is that by suspending the paiting the combo
with the items until binding the huge data is over. This
can be done by calling ComboBox.BeginUpdate() method
before binding the data and suspend the painting by
calling the method ComboBox.EndUpdate() method. The
painting of the ComboBox is suspended until the data is
binded to the Combo.
This is the way i found. If there is any other way please
tell me.