Populating New Record With Prev Record Data

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cindy Lovell
  • Start date Start date

Cindy Lovell

I have a data entry form to enter forecast data into my
forecast table. The user enters the data for the first
record and tabs through all the fields and then gets ready
to enter data for the second record.

How do you populate some of the fields for the second
record with the data entered in the first record?

Cindy Lovell
How about setting the default value of each field to what is entered. i.e.
in the AfterUpdate of each textbox enter

Me.txtBox.DefaultValue = Me.txtBox

That way when the user goes to the next new record, the last entered data
will show. This will stay as the default after the form is closed so if you
want a blank form the next time the form is open, add code either to the
OnOpen or OnClose event to set all the defaults back to null.
