populating forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter G deady via AccessMonster.com
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G deady via AccessMonster.com

My autonumber field is the first field in my form.Thus, it is empty until I
go to another field and begin entering data. I had the same issue a few
years ago and remember solving it with a few lines of code that placed then
deleted a value in a field using the the onload event but can't rememember
the exact code. Can anyone help?
You do not want to dirty the record every time you move into a new record!
That approach is likely to give you concurrency issues, blank records,
confused users who don't understand why they have to undo just because they
went to the new record, and so on.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

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Do you need it on the screen? If not leave it out, otherwise you set the
property to invisible.
You could set the field property to LOCKED and enabled to NO this will
display the field but will not allow the user to change the value.
The code that I used before didn't require the user to undo. It was
actually suggested to me by another forum. What it did was when the user
went to a new record it put a name in the the first name field for example
then automatically deleted. It used the onload event It seemed to work
well. I just can't remember the code. That populated the clientid field
which is a auto number. This db is for a law office and the I need the
number displayed. It corresponds to the actual client number that is used
on the physical file and all physical papers in the office.