Populating Field Values Automatically

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I've got a button on a form to add additional addresses for the same company
name. On the form is a field to store the company name itself. When I click
the button to add additional addresses, I want the new record to
automatically populate the customer name field from the previous record
without the user entering it again. How do I go about doing that?

Someone in this forum helped me with something like this 2 years ago and I
couldn't recall how it was done except that it had something to do with
playing around with the Default value. Any ideas? Thanks.
Good morning

You can use the following to carry over a field value from the previous record.
In the example, the txtMarkets and txtWholesaledate are the values carried

Const cQuote = """"

'Carry values forward
Me!txtMarkets.DefaultValue = cQuote & Me!txtMarkets.Value & cQuote
Me![txtWholesale Date].DefaultValue = cQuote & Me![txtWholesale Date].Value &

DoCmd.RunCommand CmdRecordsGoToNew

Best Regards

Maurice St-Cyr
Micro Systems Consultants, Inc.