Mike i don't know of another tool, way not ADM files.
You may want to have a look at:
323639 - HOW TO: Create Custom Administrative Templates in Windows 2000
This step-by-step article describes how to create custom Administrative
Templates to use with Group Policy settings in a Windows 2000-based domain.
Group Policy templates provide an interface that you can use to apply
registry changes to the target...
816662 - Recommendations for Managing Group Policy Administrative Template
(.adm) Files
This article describes how ADM files work, the policy settings that are
available to manage their operation, and recommendations about how to handle
common ADM file management scenarios. back to the top Introduction to ADM
Files ADM files are template...
228460 - Location of ADM (Administrative Template) Files in Windows
This article describes the location of ADM files while they are a component
of a Group Policy Object (GPO), and the location of additional ADM template
307732 - HOW TO: Add a Windows 2000 ADM Template to a Group Policy Snap-In
in Office XP
The Office XP Resource Kit includes a number of policy templates for use
with various Office XP programs. To use a policy template, you must load it
by using the Group Policy snap-in. This article describes this procedure.
Listing of Policy Templates...