Populating a datagrid dynamically, creating Session Variabbles

  • Thread starter Thread starter coleenholley
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Hi all :-) I have a couple of web pages created using ASP.Net and VB code-behind. We use a connection call through an RPC to COBOL, NOT an SQL connection, so my connection to get the data is done in a Class Module (VB), which populates the datagrid. The datagrid is bound in the code-behind the ASPX page, as such

dtg_worksheet1.DataSource = lo_AZRM005A.get_dt_worksheet

The code to populate my datagrid from the class module (inpart) is
'Create the column headers
dt_worksheet1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("County")
dt_worksheet1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Gasoline Gallons")
dt_worksheet1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Gasohol Gallons")
dt_worksheet1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Total Gallons")
'Build the DataTable with the Data

For i = 0 To li_rpd_array_row_len - 1 Step i +
' row number and withdrawal type
ls_temp = ao_buffer.ExtractString(CType(li_start_arr, Short), CType(li_arr_str_len, Short)
dr_gallons = dt_worksheet1.NewRow(
ls_temp_arr = ls_temp.Substring(li_county_name, li_county_name_len).Trim(
ls_county = ls_temp_arr.ToString().Tri
dr_gallons(0) = ls_count
ls_temp_arr = ls_temp.Substring(li_tot_gas_glln, li_tot_gas_glln_len).Trim(
ls_tot_gas = ls_temp_arr.ToString().Trim(
dr_gallons(1) = CInt(ls_tot_gas
ls_temp_arr = ls_temp.Substring(li_tot_gasohol_glln, li_tot_gasohol_glln_len).Trim(
ls_tot_gasohol = ls_temp_arr.ToString().Tri
dr_gallons(2) = CInt(ls_tot_gasohol
ls_tot_gallons = CDbl(ls_tot_gasohol) + CDbl(ls_tot_gas
dr_gallons(3) = CDbl(ls_tot_gallons

I need to know how to get a specific row/cell of data to post as a session variable - like I would with an ASP.Net table:

Dim ld_sum_tot_cty_tax As Doubl
Session("wa_tot_gal") = tbl_worksheet1.Rows(16).Cells(3).Text(

How can I do this programmatically with the datagrid? Any help is GREATLY appreciated! Coleen
Hi Coleen,

The session variable in aspx acts the same as in classic asp pages.
I have not seen any differences till now. But another posibility is the
"viewstate", have a look for that on MSDN I think that is better for the
solution you are looking for.

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Honestly, I'm not looking for how to get the Session variable, I know how to do that, I'm trying to get a specific row/cell of data from the dynamically populated datagrid (to use as my session variable), and so far, not having much luck...thanks for your help :-)
Hi Coleen,

The problem is I do not see that tbl_workstheet1 when it is just a typo and
had to be dt_worksheet1 than I think it can be something as
Session("wa_tot_gal") = dt_worksheet1.Rows(16)(3).tostring
or complete

I am curious if it was that?

No, I used the example of getting the specific row/column form an ASP table...I need to know how to get a specific row/column from a dynamically populated datagrid...

I have been trying everything I can think of to get the specific row(18).cell(7) from my datagrid. This works perfectly in an ASP table but NOT in a datagrid! I checked the Help files and can return a specific column, but I can't get to the specific ROW - I keep getting an error that the row is out of bounds. Or, I get an error (blue squigleys) that Row is not a part of Items or of Columns properties...ARGH! I just want a specific Row(18).Cell(7) from my datagrid - please how do I get this info from a datagrid? Thanks for your help :-) Coleen
Hi Colleen,

But why not just from your underlaying datatable, you have it.
(I did a while nothing with a aspx datagrid and that should I investigate).

I can't get the SPECIFIC row - it is imperitive that I get the value from specifically row 16, cell 7. This is simple in the ASPX table, but I can not get it from the datagrid. I can return a specific column, but Ican't seem to get it to give me the value for the exact row I need...any suggestions?
Hi Coleen,

Can you try this?

When clicked
Dim a As String = grd.Items(e.Item.ItemIndex).Cells(3).Text

or as you ask

Dim a as string = grd.Items(15).Cells(6).Text

I hope this helps?

I can't get the SPECIFIC row - it is imperitive that I get the value from
specifically row 16, cell 7. This is simple in the ASPX table, but I can
not get it from the datagrid. I can return a specific column, but Ican't
seem to get it to give me the value for the exact row I need...any