Glad you got it running...
I think if you return a datatable from the FillCtlCbo function then you could disconnect easily.. something like this...
function FillCtlCbo (......., byref tblResult as datatable) as boolean
' ....... some stuff here
'..... do your SQL stuff here
tblResult = yourDataSet.Tables(0).Copy()
FillCtlCbo = True
end try
yourDataSet = nothing
end function
I found the issue. I was trying to assign a dataset directly instead of
passing a dataset to a dataview and assigning the dataview to the
datasource. It took me a while to figure it out, but once I found the way to
output the dataset to an xml file to see if it was being passed in each
place, I got it running.
Now if I can just figure out how to disconnect the connection to the
database between calls, I'll be REALLY happy.
Thanks for your help!
Take care,
In my code that I use to populate Comboboxes I have the following lines :
ComboBox1.DataSource = ....
ComboBox1.ValueMember = ...
ComboBox1.DisplayMember = ...
Are you not able to see the contents of your dataset when it comes out of
OK guys,
I have two replies, both of which I really appreciate.
Wayne, there is no databind since I am using this for win32, not web.
Ibrahim, I am following almost exactly whayt you are doing, but can't seem
to get the combo to populate. Not sure why yet...Code is all below
Private Sub FillStudents()
Dim objSupport As EGI.Support
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ComboBox1.ValueMember = "StudentID"
ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "FullName"
objSupport = New EGI.Support(True, "", gs_SQLConnString)
ds = objSupport.FillCtlCbo("STU_Students", "FullName", "StudentID",
ComboBox1.DataSource = ds
objSupport = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function FillCtlCbo(ByVal sTblName As String, ByVal sFldName As
String, ByVal sIDName As String, ByVal sCboName As ComboBox, Optional ByVal
sUserID As String = "") As DataSet
Dim objCtl As DataHandler
Dim strSQl As String
Dim ds As New DataSet()
objCtl = New DataHandler(cblnIsSQL, cstrAccessDB, cstrSQLConnectionString)
strSQl = ""
If sTblName = "STU_Students" Then
strSQl = "SELECT [" & sIDName & "], [" & sFldName & "], MiddleName FROM
" & sTblName
strSQl = strSQl & " ORDER BY [" & sFldName & "]"
strSQl = "SELECT [" & sIDName & "], [" & sFldName & "] FROM " & sTblName
strSQl = strSQl & " ORDER BY [" & sFldName & "]"
End If
ds = objCtl.RecordGetDS(strSQl)
If Not objCtl Is Nothing Then
objCtl = Nothing
End If
If Not rstCtl Is Nothing Then rstCtl = Nothing
Return ds
End Function
Public Function RecordGetDS(ByVal sSQL As String) As DataSet
Dim objConn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet()
'**** Connect to Database
objConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection()
If Not cblnIsSQL Then
objConn.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString(cstrAccessDB)
objConn.ConnectionString = cstrSQLConnectionString
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "= True", "= 1", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "=True", "=1", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "= False", "= 0", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "=False", "=0", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "=#", "='", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "<#", "<'", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, ">#", ">'", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "= #", "= '", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "< #", "< '", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "> #", "> '", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, ",#", ",'", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, ", #", ", '", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "#,", "',", 1)
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "# ", "' ", 1)
If Right(sSQL, 1) = "#" Then
sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "#", "'")
End If
End If
da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL, objConn.ConnectionString)
If Not objConn Is Nothing Then
objConn = Nothing
End If
If Not da Is Nothing Then
da = Nothing
End If
Return ds
End Function