Populating a Combo Box with instances of a class - problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Martin Smith
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Martin Smith

Hi! I'm feeling the burn of .NET; Still getting used to it :)

I'm trying to populate a combo box with instances of a class:
Public Class Shortcut
Private Name As String
Private RealLocation As String

Public Sub New()
Me.Name = "unknown"
Me.RealLocation = "unknown"
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Path As String)
Me.Name = Name
Me.RealLocation = Path
End Sub

Public Function getName() As String
Return (Me.Name)
End Function
Public Function getRealLocation() As String
Return (Me.RealLocation)
End Function

Public Overrides Function toString() As String
Return (Me.Name)
End Function
End Class

My problem is the following code:

With cmb
.ValueMember = "getRealLocation"
.DisplayMember = "toString"

.Items.Add(New Shortcut("Label1", "Full Path1"))
.Items.Add(New Shortcut("Label2", "Full Path 2"))
.Items.Add(New Shortcut("Label3", "Full Path 3"))
End With

When the combo list isn't activated, the combo box shows the results of the
toString function, for the specific instance that is selected. However, when
I click the drop-down button, it shows a list of blank entries. Selecting a
blank entry again shows the results of the toString function of the instance
I apparently selected.

How can I make each entry have a value whent he combobox drop-down list is
showing, not just once a specific item in the list is selected. It's hard to
make choices when there's only blank options =/.

Thanks again!
The ValueMember and DisplayMember only work when the DataSource property is
set. The ComboBox does not have its DataSource property set so it has
nothing to call getRealLocation or toString on. When you select a blank
space it defaults to the ToString method to display it as the selected item.

Hi =)

I was under the impression that the DataSource property was to specify a
data set such as a collection or data table or or arraylist or whatnot...
not a specific piece of data from each object in the combo box. I thought if
you just added a bunch of strings to a combo box, when you pulled down the
combo box to display multiple entries, it would show all the strings... not
blank entries that correspond to the strings.

If I'm adding instances of a certain class to a combo box, what should the
datasource be set as in order to display a specific data member of that
instance, such as the data member "Name" of type string?

I'm still not catching the hang of this :)

Thanks again.
The String type is a basic .Net datatype and the ComboBox knows how to
handel these types. Your Shortcut class is not a basic .Net datatype so the
ComboBox does not know what to do with it except for calling its ToString
method when it is the selected item. Your code tells the ComboBox what
ValueMember and DisplayMember to use but you don't give it a data source to
use them on. Put your objects in a data source assign that to the
DataSource property. All will work well once that is done.

Thank you very much for all of your assistance.

I'm doing this now:

Dim shortcutList As New ArrayList

shortcutList.Add(New Shortcut("Label1", "Full Path1"))
shortcutList.Add(New Shortcut("Label2", "Full Path 2"))
shortcutList.Add(New Shortcut("Label3", "Full Path 3"))

With cmbGo
.DataSource = shortcutList
.ValueMember = "getRealLocation"
.DisplayMember = "toString"
End With

However, I also tried just adding strings to a combo box... such as
cmb.Items.Add("testing") and it still appears blank until I select it =(

I'm so befuddled =(
Hello Martin,

First off, I dont believe you can set ValueMember or DisplayMember to functions.
I believe they need to be properties.

Try this (in C#):

class Shortcut
private string name;
private string realLocation;

public Shortcut(string name, string path)
this.name = name;
this.realLocation = path;

public string Name { get { return name; } }
public string RealLocation { get { return realLocation; } }

ArrayList shortcutList = new ArrayList();
shortcutList.Add(new Shortcut("Label1", "Full Path1"));
shortcutList.Add(new Shortcut("Label2", "Full Path2"));
shortcutList.Add(new Shortcut("Label3", "Full Path3"));

cmbGo.DataSource = shortcutList;
cmbGo.DisplayMember = "Name";
cmbGo.ValueMember = "RealLocation";

If you dont assign a datasource, display/value member should not be used.
So, if you want to use items.add, make sure you remove those two properties.

Hope this helps!
Actually, you don't have to specify a DataSource to use DisplayMember
(for ValueMember you need it though)

1. DisplayMemebr and ValueMember must be set to properties,
not functions like you're doing

2. You're not useing databinding so why bother with DisplayMember
and ValueMember anyway? Just get rid of them and it should work
just fine

Hi there ---

My classes uses properties now, not functions, and the ValueMember and
DisplayMember are properly assigned to those properties (I think).

I guess my real problem here is even if I add a plain String to a combo box,
it doesn't show up when I open the drop-down list, only once the item is
selected. If I just start a new project, and cmb.Items.Add("item1"), and so
forth, they aren't listed in the box when I drop it down. That is the

I'm tempted to go rewrite this in Java or worse... eeek!

Hello Martin,

It sounds to me as if you're adding strings once you have set ValueMember
and DisplayMember properties.

It's not going to easily do that. A String doesnt have the same properties
as your Shortcut object.

Now, if you really need to do that, remove both the ValueMember and DisplayMember
settings. At this point, the combobox will rely on the ToString() method.

It's even simpler than that. A new form with nothing except:

cmbTest.Items.Add("test 2")

When I pull down the combo box, they're blank. Without setting any
datasource, no anything. Just pure strings. No data binding. When I click on
a blank entry, "test whatever" shows up.

Strings added to a combo box with no other things coded shouldn't be blank,

- Martin
Hello Martin,

Sounds like there may be some other things going on there... Can you post
the smallest complete working sample that reproduces this problem?

Here is some minimal code that creates a ComboBox and populates it with
strings. When I run it, I pull down the ComboBox and see the strings.
Does this work for you?

Stuart Celarier, Fern Creek

---- ComboBox sample ----

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Public Sub New()
End Sub

Friend WithEvents ComboBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub

Me.ComboBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
Me.ComboBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(24, 24)
Me.ComboBox1.Name = "ComboBox1"
Me.ComboBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(121, 21)
Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 266)
Me.Name = "Form1"
Me.Text = "Form1"

End Sub

End Class