TopLevelDirEntriesArray() is just an array of directory entries at the top
level of the domain. Instead, you could pass in the domain name (with
Provider), then Construct a DirectoryEntry and loop on the Children:
Sub FillADTreeView(ByRef tvw as TreeView, ByVal DomainName as String)
Dim DomainEntry as New DirectoryEntry(DomainName)
Dim Nd as TreeNode
Nd = New TreeNode(DomainEntry.Name)
Nd.Tag = DomainEntry
End Sub
Then you can basically use the same procedures I sent you before, but fill
the Domain node itself rather than the TreeView. I don't think it will work
if you only fill the top-level nodes, because they won't have an Expand sign
if they have no child nodes.... so all the user will see is a bunch of empty
nodes. However, if you're really concerned about speed, then I suggest what
you do is fill the top two levels in the AD hierarchy (i.e.
Domain\Level1Dir1\Level2Dir1), and then you can fill the nodes one level
down each time a node is expanded. For example:
All nodes at Levels 1 and 2 will be filled initially. Then, for the Expand
event of Level 1 nodes, all of its Level 2 child nodes will be filled, when
Level 2 nodes expand, Level 3 nodes will be filled, and so on. It's the
same recursion, just done at a different time:
Prive Sub tvwActiveDirectory_BeforeExpand(sender as Object, e as
TreeViewEventArgs) _
Handles tvwActiveDirectory.BeforeExpand
Dim Nd as Node
For Each Nd in e.Node 'The Expanding Node
FillADTreeNode(Nd) 'The same procedure I posted before
End Sub
So, when the user clicks on the Node for Level1Dir1, the Children for the
Level2Dir1 and Level2Dir2 Nodes will be filled.
Hope this helps,
Michael Caputo
Programmer/Database Administrator
Simon Economic Systems Ltd.