Populate text boxes based on a combo box selection

  • Thread starter Thread starter kuben
  • Start date Start date



Please help with this problem. Entry level user.

I am developing a church admin software.
I have a table called: Cell Group with the following fields:
- CellID, Cell Group Name, Cell Leader, Area Leader, Pastoral

I have created a form and have made Cell Group Name as combo box which
list the cell groups from the table above. I want to select Cell Group
Name and it must insert all the other details into text boxes with the
same labels above.


Kuben :)
South Africa

Please help with this problem. Entry level user.

I am developing a church admin software.
I have a table called: Cell Group with the following fields:
- CellID, Cell Group Name, Cell Leader, Area Leader, Pastoral

I have created a form and have made Cell Group Name as combo box which
list the cell groups from the table above. I want to select Cell Group
Name and it must insert all the other details into text boxes with the
same labels above.

Ummm... No, you probably don't.

This information should NOT be stored redundantly in the Table upon
which this form is based.

You can *display* the related data for viewing, by using textboxes
with Control Source properties such as

=[Cell Group Name].Column(n)

where [Cell Group Name] is the name of the combo box (actually I'd
rename the control to cboCellGroup) and (n) is the *zero based*
subscript of the desired field. That is, if Area Leader is the fourth
field in the combo box's row source query, use (3).

John W. Vinson[MVP]