Populate table based on criteria

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kam
  • Start date Start date



First of all thanks a ton for all help in the past. I need again help on
some excel macro, which can Populate table from Data for selected customer

I have one huge excel database, which includes lot of data in columinar
form. Under excel worksheet called "CSOP" I have data of similar nature as
per below but I can't paste in here as don't have enough space therefore I
have given small example. In this worksheet data starts from Column A & Ends
in Column Z.

Column A Column B ColumnC Column D
Customer Code Cus Name Charge Type Charge Desc
130LPL13025 ASDA ALL All Collect Charges
IHI Inland Haulage
BAS Basic Ocean
CAF Curreny
Adjustment Factor
BAF Bunker Adjustment

Above pasted table is an small example as mentioned earliesr I have data
which starts from Cloumn A ends to Column Z.

Now What I want is under seperate work sheet, when I select customer code
say in this case 130LPL13025 then macro should populate data table (Which
should include data from column A to column Z) for the same customer using
data in worksheet "CSOP".

The reason I want this macro bcoz I don't want people to go into database &
search for specific customer.

I would be very very greatful if any one of you can please help me to make
this macro as I need very badly.

Please let me know if you need anu more details.

Best Regards,

Could you please let me know, whether it is possible to prepare macro for
below request.

Best Regards,