Populate Session Variables from Datagrid for a specific cell

  • Thread starter Thread starter coleenholley
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I need to know how to get a specific row/cell of data to post as a session variable - like I would with an ASP.Net table:

Dim ld_sum_tot_cty_tax As Doubl
Session("wa_tot_gal") = tbl_worksheet1.Rows(16).Cells(3).Text(

I am using VB.Net as the code behind, and populating the datagrid dynamically in a VB.Net Class Module - I am NOT connecting to an SQL database, but I do use the databind function

dtg_worksheet1.DataSource = lo_AZRM005A.get_dt_worksheet

How can I do this programmatically with the datagrid? Any help is GREATLY appreciated! Coleen
Every row of data which is bound to the grid fires the itemdatabound event.
So in its handler, you can take the appropriate action. Consider
Session["row"] = e.item.cells[0].text will store the first colum of the row
being bou nd

Alvin Bruney [ASP.NET MVP]
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I need to know how to get a specific row/cell of data to post as a session
variable - like I would with an ASP.Net table:
Dim ld_sum_tot_cty_tax As Double
Session("wa_tot_gal") = tbl_worksheet1.Rows(16).Cells(3).Text()

I am using VB.Net as the code behind, and populating the datagrid
dynamically in a VB.Net Class Module - I am NOT connecting to an SQL
database, but I do use the databind function:
dtg_worksheet1.DataSource = lo_AZRM005A.get_dt_worksheet1

How can I do this programmatically with the datagrid? Any help is GREATLY appreciated! Coleen
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Thanks - that helps, but I need to get the value from a Specific row - the data returned will ALWAYS have 17 rows - it will return one row for each County in Nevada, and there are 17 Counties. I specifically need to get the value from row (county) 16 for a session variable. Using Session["row"] = e.item.cells[7].text will store the seventh colum of the which row? How do I tell it to specifically get row 16? I REALLY need to have the functionality of Row(16).Cell(7); it is imperitive to the application we are building...any suggestions on getting the exact row number? Thanks for your help. Coleen
off the top of my head, if i didn't have the dataset already cached, i'd
collect each row and stack it into an array list. Then push that array list
into session.

Remind me again why you need to have this in a session variable (i've lost
the original thread)? It would seem to me that if you cache the entire
dataset, or datatable, then you could easily retrieve the dataset and access
the value directly. Consider:

DataSet ds = Session["Data"] as DataSet;
if(ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 16)
value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[16][7].ToString();

Ofcourse, it is more memory efficient to cache a datatable or to stack just
the rows in an arraylist.

Alvin Bruney [ASP.NET MVP]
Got tidbits? Get it here...
Thanks - that helps, but I need to get the value from a Specific row - the
data returned will ALWAYS have 17 rows - it will return one row for each
County in Nevada, and there are 17 Counties. I specifically need to get the
value from row (county) 16 for a session variable. Using Session["row"] =
e.item.cells[7].text will store the seventh colum of the which row? How do
I tell it to specifically get row 16? I REALLY need to have the
functionality of Row(16).Cell(7); it is imperitive to the application we are
building...any suggestions on getting the exact row number? Thanks for your
help. ColeenCommunity Website: http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/newsgroups/