I have a table "Omega" that has the following fields
(number type)
"FirstNumber", "RollNumber", "PartNumber","NewNumber" "NewR
ollNumber", "NewPartNumber" and "NewPartCount".
On a form "PackForm" I have Text
boxes "FirstNumber", "RollNumber", "PartNumber",
"NewRollNumber", "NewPartNumber"
and "NewPartCount","NewNumber"(combo box)and there are
other text boxes on the form. "PackForm" does not
use "Omega" as it's source. When records are saved
from "PackForm" they are saved in the "Pack" Table
On the form "PackForm", "NewNumber" combo box has as it's
Row Source the table "Omega" (field "NewNumber" bound). To
narrow the seletion of records I can
use "FirstNumber", "RollNumber" and "PartNumber" as
criteria because they are on the "PackForm" and in
the "Omega" table. When the user selects the "NewNumber" I
would like to have the text
boxes "NewRollNumber", "NewPartNumber" and "NewPartCount"
on the "PackForm" be populated with information from the
same selected record in the "Omega" table. (More than one
record in the "Omega" table may have the
same "FirstNumber", "RollNumber", "PartNumber", "NewRollNum
ber", "NewPartNumber" so I want to be certain I get the
information from the record that is selected.)
I know how to populate a form with a record from a table
but I have never selectively populated text boxes on a
form from a combo box. Is this possible?
Thanks for your help
(number type)
"FirstNumber", "RollNumber", "PartNumber","NewNumber" "NewR
ollNumber", "NewPartNumber" and "NewPartCount".
On a form "PackForm" I have Text
boxes "FirstNumber", "RollNumber", "PartNumber",
"NewRollNumber", "NewPartNumber"
and "NewPartCount","NewNumber"(combo box)and there are
other text boxes on the form. "PackForm" does not
use "Omega" as it's source. When records are saved
from "PackForm" they are saved in the "Pack" Table
On the form "PackForm", "NewNumber" combo box has as it's
Row Source the table "Omega" (field "NewNumber" bound). To
narrow the seletion of records I can
use "FirstNumber", "RollNumber" and "PartNumber" as
criteria because they are on the "PackForm" and in
the "Omega" table. When the user selects the "NewNumber" I
would like to have the text
boxes "NewRollNumber", "NewPartNumber" and "NewPartCount"
on the "PackForm" be populated with information from the
same selected record in the "Omega" table. (More than one
record in the "Omega" table may have the
same "FirstNumber", "RollNumber", "PartNumber", "NewRollNum
ber", "NewPartNumber" so I want to be certain I get the
information from the record that is selected.)
I know how to populate a form with a record from a table
but I have never selectively populated text boxes on a
form from a combo box. Is this possible?
Thanks for your help