Populate a combo box

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How do you populate a combo box with results from a SQL query that is saved in a recordset
Set rstResult = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL
' Loop the Recorset and fill the combo bo
Do While Not rstResult.EO
' what goes here

When populating a combo box in this manner you have to
build the rowSource as a string value with the RowSource
with the RowSourceType = 'Value List'.
For a single column dropdown list, the code would be along
the lines of

Set rstResult = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
' Loop the Recorset and fill the combo box
strRowSource = ""
Do While Not rstResult.EOF
strRowSource = strRowSource & rstResult!column & ";"
comboBox.RowSource = Left(strRowSource,

Hope This Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD
-----Original Message-----
How do you populate a combo box with results from a SQL
query that is saved in a recordset?
Thanks for the help

Is there any other way of doing it? Because when I have a long result in the recordset, I get a run time error 2176. It says the Characters for this property is too long needs to be 255 or 2048

Any other suggestions


----- Gerald Stanley wrote: ----

When populating a combo box in this manner you have t
build the rowSource as a string value with the RowSourc
with the RowSourceType = 'Value List'
For a single column dropdown list, the code would be alon
the lines o

Set rstResult = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL
' Loop the Recorset and fill the combo bo
strRowSource = "
Do While Not rstResult.EO
strRowSource = strRowSource & rstResult!column & ";
comboBox.RowSource = Left(strRowSource

Hope This Help
Gerald Stanley MCS
-----Original Message----
How do you populate a combo box with results from a SQ
query that is saved in a recordset
Sure. Simply set the Combo Box' Row Source to the SQL
statement, e.g.,

SELECT YourTable.Field1, YourTable.Field2 FROM YourTable
ORDER BY YourTable.Field1;

Kevin Sprinkel
-----Original Message-----
How do you populate a combo box with results from a SQL
query that is saved in a recordset?
Not really. There is no AddItem method with the combo box
in Access. The 'normal' mode is to use a SQL statement as
the RowSource. The Value List alternative is usually for
short lists only.

Gerald Stanley MCSD
-----Original Message-----
Thanks for the help.

Is there any other way of doing it? Because when I have a
long result in the recordset, I get a run time error 2176.
It says the Characters for this property is too long needs
to be 255 or 2048.