POP3 stops working

  • Thread starter Thread starter Baga
  • Start date Start date


I am sick of it... half a year ago all of a sudden my Outlook stopped
working with POP3 accounts. I did some reading. Microsoft people of
cause blaimed anitviruses, firewalls, adviced to install SP2 for XP and
such. Nothing of that applied to me - i have SP2, no active antivirus
(do scan 1/week), no firewall (i think NAT router is enough of a
protection). When this same thing happened to SECOND machine (in a day
or two), i started suspecting windows updates. And sure enough - after
some binary searching i found that it was one of the updates!
Unfortunately i lost the number, it was something KB9811..., maybe
something else.

So, i uninstalled the update on both of the machines and marked it
"don't install" on microsoft update site. Silly me, i thought it's
over... Either that setting (not to install update) broke, or the
update was included into some later cumulative pack, but it is back
again - POP3 it completely broken!

Here is screenshot of Outlook errors reported:

I did try different clients and yes, everything is fine with servers
(all my POP3 account stopped working at the same time). I don't want to
spend a day sifting through windows updates to find which one did it to
me! Please, if somebody found that already, reply...

-- Baga
Cannot say that I've experienced any problems with critical winupdates and
OL, on a number of PC's
Well, lucky you...
So far at least one of two my machines is still functional (POP3, that
Anybody saw / heard of / fixed problems like mine?
I hate to start uninstalling updates again...
Thanks for advice!
Nothing in the Applications log regarding Outlook though...
However, it is flooded with such errors:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: vmauthd
Event Category: None
Event ID: 100
Date: 8/12/2006
Time: 1:05:45 PM
User: N/A
Computer: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cannot find perfmon object in array returned by perfDLL, index=0

I don't know if it is related at all. These errors appear at times
unrelated to Outlook startup or failed attempts to connect.

Also, here is another error from System log:
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: LSASRV
Event Category: SPNEGO (Negotiator)
Event ID: 40960
Date: 8/13/2006
Time: 3:11:26 AM
User: N/A
Computer: xxxxxxxxxxx
The Security System detected an attempted downgrade attack for server DNS/gds.xxxxxxxxx.COM. The failure code from authentication protocol Kerberos was
"There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

App log:
That would appear to be an error relating to Vmware.

Re sys err, maybe
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/328948/ ,I know it refers to win2k
There are also reports of a lsasrv.dll virus, or at least virus that
replaces this sys file.

Baga said:
Thanks for advice!
Nothing in the Applications log regarding Outlook though...
However, it is flooded with such errors:

I don't know if it is related at all. These errors appear at times
unrelated to Outlook startup or failed attempts to connect.

Also, here is another error from System log:
DNS/gds.xxxxxxxxx.COM. The failure code from authentication protocol
Kerberos was
OK, thanks for the explanation. I'll keep an eye on those errors.

Looks like i was right and they have nothing to do with Outlook problem
- namely POP3 completely non-functional.