How can I download an email from a pop3 server along with the atachment using vb.net?
How can I download an email from a pop3 server along with the atachment using vb.net?
=?Utf-8?B?Q2hyaXM=?= said:How can I download an email from a pop3 server along with the atachment
using vb.net?
* "=?Utf-8?B?Q2hyaXM=?= said:How can I download an email from a pop3 server along with the atachment using vb.net?
* "Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu said:You can also use webmail, but webmail requires CDO which is not on all
machines, and its not very robust in its handling of messages. Actually AFAIK
it handles POP3 - I know it handles SMTP.
webmail = 'System.Web.Mail'?