pop ups



Some how a program got downloaded onto my computer that
creates pop up windows. I have a pop up blocker on
Internet Explorer, but the windows pop up when I don't
have IE open. I have a DSL connection, so unless I go in
and disable it, pop up windows come up and interupt
anything I'm doing on the computer. Today I left my
computer and came back after about half an hour to find
36 pop up ads on the screen. It stalled my computer.
They're still coming up right now. I think I have found
the program that's causing the problem, but I can't get
rid of it. It's not listed in my uninstall programs list
in the control panel. I've tried removing it using
Norton Utilities, but get an error message saying I do
not have the authority to delete the file. I get the
same thing when I try to remove it manually. Is there a
way to get around this error and delete the program?

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