I am continually getting an "about:blank" popup which
shows up spontaneously on my taskbar. What to do?? I
also get a "counter" pop-up the same way. Both have
large blank white screen. they seem to come through
internet explorer. Very annoying-and slows down my
computer considerably. Does anyone know how to stop
them. They don't have a real url so even though i added
the names above to my restricted sites-they still keep
coming. Thanks
shows up spontaneously on my taskbar. What to do?? I
also get a "counter" pop-up the same way. Both have
large blank white screen. they seem to come through
internet explorer. Very annoying-and slows down my
computer considerably. Does anyone know how to stop
them. They don't have a real url so even though i added
the names above to my restricted sites-they still keep
coming. Thanks