pop ups

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i am using windows xp and i have a dsl and i keep getting
all these pop ups is there a way to stop them from coming
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|i am using windows xp and i have a dsl and i keep getting
| all these pop ups is there a way to stop them from coming
| up.
I have used several of the free ones off the web, none of
them worked all that good. Still got alot of popups
from "about:blank" and other "seem to be microsoft"
popups. So I am asking the same question--What is a good
popup stopper?
google toolbar available from google.com -- has some other, useful
features, as well

the "about:blank" are a result of having a modified hosts file, which is
a common tactic for defeating advertising, but doesn't actually stop the
pop-up, just the content of the message (and the associated tracking

I'm not sure what "seem to be microsoft" means. It could be a
consequence of having "show friendly HTTP error messages" checked under
the advanced tab in Internet Options. Or, it could be the Messenger
Service (not Windows Messenger or MSN messenger) running; you could go
to Services in Administrative Tools in Control Panel and disable the
Messenger Service.

Finally, you may have inadvertently installed software on your PC, which
is delivering advertising to you, quite independent of the websites you
are visiting -- it only appears to be pop-ups. In fact, it is a
separate program, delivering crap to you as you surf. You might want
to go to download.com or some other shareware site and download either
adaware or spybot search & destroy, which are free for personal use.
Both use frequently updated data files, to recognize all the programs
that are out there; you should use their automatic update feature after
installation, but before using one to scan your system.
P.S. you should remove all the pop-up blockers, which you have
previously installed, before trying google toolbar, or whatever other
recommended one you try.
ninna028 said:
i am using windows xp and i have a dsl and i keep getting
all these pop ups is there a way to stop them from coming

google toolbar available from google.com -- has a popup blocker, some
other, useful
features, as well, and is free. Go to google and click on more>, then
scroll down for the Google tools.

it could be the Messenger
Service (not Windows Messenger or MSN messenger) running; you could go
to Services in Administrative Tools in Control Panel and disable the
Messenger Service.

Finally, you may have inadvertently installed software on your PC, which
is delivering advertising to you, quite independent of the websites you
are visiting -- it only appears to be pop-ups. In fact, it is a
separate program, delivering crap to you as you surf. You might want
to go to download.com or some other shareware site and download either
adaware or spybot search & destroy, which are free for personal use.
Both use frequently updated data files, to recognize all the programs
that are out there; you should use their automatic update feature after
installation, but before using one to scan your system.
The best software I have found to stop popups is Yahoo
Companian. do a search in Yahoo for it. It takes a few
seconds to download with a 512k connection. This is a
toolbar with a built in selective pop up killer
Greetings --

There are at least three varieties of pop-ups, and the solutions
vary accordingly. Which specific type(s) is troubling you?

1) Does the title bar of these pop-ups read "Messenger Service?"

This type of spam has become quite common over the past year or
so, and unintentionally serves as a valid security "alert." It
demonstrates that you haven't been taking sufficient precautions while
connected to the Internet. Your data probably hasn't been compromised
by these specific advertisements, but if you're open to this exploit,
you most definitely open to other threats, such as the Blaster Worm
that still haunts the Internet. Install and use a decent, properly
configured firewall. (Merely disabling the messenger service, as some
people recommend, only hides the symptom, and does little or nothing
to truly secure your machine.) And ignoring or just "putting up with"
the security gap represented by these messages is particularly

Messenger Service of Windows

Messenger Service Window That Contains an Internet Advertisement

Stopping Advertisements with Messenger Service Titles

Blocking Ads, Parasites, and Hijackers with a Hosts File

Whichever firewall you decide upon, be sure to ensure UDP ports
135, 137, and 138 and TCP ports 135, 139, and 445 are _all_ blocked.
You may also disable Inbound NetBIOS (NetBIOS over TCP/IP). You'll
have to follow the instructions from firewall's manufacturer for the
specific steps.

You can test your firewall at:

Symantec Security Check

Security Scan - Sygate Online Services

Oh, and be especially wary of people who advise you to do nothing
more than disable the messenger service. Disabling the messenger
service, by itself, is a "head in the sand" approach to computer
security. The real problem is _not_ the messenger service pop-ups;
they're actually providing a useful, if annoying, service by acting as
a security alert. The true problem is the unsecured computer, and
you've been advised to merely turn off the warnings. How is this

2) For regular Internet pop-ups, you might try the free 12Ghosts
Popup-killer from http://12ghosts.com/ghosts/popup.htm, Pop-Up Stopper
from http://www.panicware.com/, or the Google Toolbar from
http://toolbar.google.com/, which is what I use.

3) To deal with pop-ups caused by any sort of "adware" and/or
"spyware,"such as Gator, Comet Cursors, Xupiter, Bonzai Buddy, or
KaZaA, and their remnants, that you've deliberately (but without
understanding the consequences) installed, two products that are
quite effective (at finding and removing this type of scumware) are
Ad-Aware from www.lavasoft.de and SpyBot Search & Destroy from
www.safer-networking.org/. Both have free versions. It's even
possible to use SpyBot Search & Destroy to "immunize" your system
against most future intrusions. I use both and generally perform
manual scans every week or so to clean out cookies, etc.

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH
/ninna028/ said:
I am using windows XP and I have a dsl and I keep getting
all these pop ups. Is there a way to stop them from coming

If these are "Messenger" pop-ups, they can be banished by enabling the XP
built-in firewall (which should be done anyway). See HELP & SUPPORT for
easy instructions.

If this is a program that has been inadvertently installed on your PC,
running ADAware may enable its removal. http://www.lavasoftusa.com
Read the instructions, download, install and run the program. The basic
utility is free. Or try Spybot from http://www.safer-networking.org/

If the pop-ups are site-related - the page that is being visited - then a
pop-up blocker may help. http://google.com Search for "ad blocker".
Or install and use a new-generation browser that has pop-up blocking,
such as the Mozilla suite from http://mozilla.org.

It will selectively block pop-ups and images, and is much more customizable
than I.E. For more, check in with these groups…

Oh, and be especially wary of people who advise you to do nothing
more than disable the messenger service. Disabling the messenger
service, by itself, is a "head in the sand" approach to computer
security. The real problem is _not_ the messenger service pop-ups;
they're actually providing a useful, if annoying, service by acting as
a security alert. The true problem is the unsecured computer, and
you've been advised to merely turn off the warnings. How is this

Don't forget that the Messenger Service would also provide a useful
service to hackers if it is not patched:


Setup a firewall first, but if you don't need the Messenger Service,
turn it off. If you need it, patch it. You would also be well
advised to spend $50 and buy a home router.

Be especially wary of people who would insist on having you keep the
Messenger Service on as a "helpful feature" and conveniently
forgetting to inform you that it has a very serious vulnerability that
needs to be patched immediately.

And of particular interest is that Microsoft itself and security
experts are seriously reconsidering the role of the Messenger service:





Here's a link where Microsoft actually outright advises the user to
turn off the Messenger Service:


Those who would advise not to turn off the Messenger Service for the
less than trivial unintended side benefit of being a warning is
dispensing advice which contradicts the advice of many real security
The real problem is _not_ the messenger service pop-ups;
they're actually providing a useful, if annoying, service by acting as
a security alert.

If you were protecting your house and you had one door that nobody
ever used and that door was really loud and squeaky, would you:

A: Keep the door unlocked all the time and actually depend on the
loud squeak of the door to be an integral part of your house alarm
system to alert you of an intruder?


B. Since no legitimate people would ever use the door, bar the door
shut so that there was no chance no-one could enter through it?
Hello Internet Users:

Do you have *any* of the supported programs installed on your computer without your permission from GAIN.com or GATOR.com? Do those pop-ups irritate the hell out of you? I HAVE THE SOLUTION AND IT ONLY TAKES 5 MINUTES.

These programs *must* be uninstalled prior to being removed from the Ad-server Files, and I HAVE THE SOLUTION TO REMOVE ALL ADWARE, ESPECIALLY GATOR.COM AND GAIN.COM. Without properly removing the supported programs, these pain in the butt pop-up ads will continue and will in fact cause the self uninstall process to fail, thus the pop-up ads will continue to be bothersome and the supported programs will cease to function.

Once all supported programs are uninstalled, ie: Dash Bar, Date
Manager, Gator.com, Precision Time, Search Scout Toolbar, Site Pass,
Weather scope, Web Secure Alert, you will never have to worry about these problems again, unless you download the software that supports it.

There is a one-time fee of $19.95 for this information and you may use PayPal, Personal check, (Will Have To clear Bank First), Money Order or Cashier’s Check.

You may make a direct Payment to http://www.paypal.com to the account of (e-mail address removed).

100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. I will answer any and all questions and your results will give you peace of mind and NO MORE POP-UP SPAM.

Greg Winski
Hello Internet Users:

Do you have *any* of the supported programs installed on your computer without your permission from GAIN.com or GATOR.com? Do those pop-ups irritate the hell out of you? I HAVE THE SOLUTION AND IT ONLY TAKES 5 MINUTES.

These programs *must* be uninstalled prior to being removed from the Ad-server Files, and I HAVE THE SOLUTION TO REMOVE ALL ADWARE, ESPECIALLY GATOR.COM AND GAIN.COM. Without properly removing the supported programs, these pain in the butt pop-up ads will continue and will in fact cause the self uninstall process to fail, thus the pop-up ads will continue to be bothersome and the supported programs will cease to function.

Once all supported programs are uninstalled, ie: Dash Bar, Date
Manager, Gator.com, Precision Time, Search Scout Toolbar, Site Pass,
Weather scope, Web Secure Alert, you will never have to worry about these problems again, unless you download the software that supports it.

There is a one-time fee of $19.95 for this information and you may use PayPal, Personal check, (Will Have To clear Bank First), Money Order or Cashier’s Check.

You may make a direct Payment to http://www.paypal.com to the account of (e-mail address removed).

100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. I will answer any and all questions and your results will give you peace of mind and NO MORE POP-UP SPAM.

Greg Winski
Hello Internet Users:

Do you have *any* of the supported programs installed on your computer without your permission from GAIN.com or GATOR.com? Do those pop-ups irritate the hell out of you? I HAVE THE SOLUTION AND IT ONLY TAKES 5 MINUTES.

These programs *must* be uninstalled prior to being removed from the Ad-server Files, and I HAVE THE SOLUTION TO REMOVE ALL ADWARE, ESPECIALLY GATOR.COM AND GAIN.COM. Without properly removing the supported programs, these pain in the butt pop-up ads will continue and will in fact cause the self uninstall process to fail, thus the pop-up ads will continue to be bothersome and the supported programs will cease to function.

Once all supported programs are uninstalled, ie: Dash Bar, Date
Manager, Gator.com, Precision Time, Search Scout Toolbar, Site Pass,
Weather scope, Web Secure Alert, you will never have to worry about these problems again, unless you download the software that supports it.

There is a one-time fee of $19.95 for this information and you may use PayPal, Personal check, (Will Have To clear Bank First), Money Order or Cashier’s Check.

You may make a direct Payment to http://www.paypal.com to the account of (e-mail address removed).

100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. I will answer any and all questions and your results will give you peace of mind and NO MORE POP-UP SPAM.

Greg Winski
Hello Internet Users:

Do you have *any* of the supported programs installed on your computer without your permission from GAIN.com or GATOR.com? Do those pop-ups irritate the hell out of you? I HAVE THE SOLUTION AND IT ONLY TAKES 5 MINUTES.

These programs *must* be uninstalled prior to being removed from the Ad-server Files, and I HAVE THE SOLUTION TO REMOVE ALL ADWARE, ESPECIALLY GATOR.COM AND GAIN.COM. Without properly removing the supported programs, these pain in the butt pop-up ads will continue and will in fact cause the self uninstall process to fail, thus the pop-up ads will continue to be bothersome and the supported programs will cease to function.

Once all supported programs are uninstalled, ie: Dash Bar, Date
Manager, Gator.com, Precision Time, Search Scout Toolbar, Site Pass,
Weather scope, Web Secure Alert, you will never have to worry about these problems again, unless you download the software that supports it.

There is a one-time fee of $19.95 for this information and you may use PayPal, Personal check, (Will Have To clear Bank First), Money Order or Cashier’s Check.

You may make a direct Payment to http://www.paypal.com to the account of (e-mail address removed).

100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. I will answer any and all questions and your results will give you peace of mind and NO MORE POP-UP SPAM.

Greg Winski
Hello Internet Users:

Do you have *any* of the supported programs installed on your computer without your permission from GAIN.com or GATOR.com? Do those pop-ups irritate the hell out of you? I HAVE THE SOLUTION AND IT ONLY TAKES 5 MINUTES.

These programs *must* be uninstalled prior to being removed from the Ad-server Files, and I HAVE THE SOLUTION TO REMOVE ALL ADWARE, ESPECIALLY GATOR.COM AND GAIN.COM. Without properly removing the supported programs, these pain in the butt pop-up ads will continue and will in fact cause the self uninstall process to fail, thus the pop-up ads will continue to be bothersome and the supported programs will cease to function.

Once all supported programs are uninstalled, ie: Dash Bar, Date
Manager, Gator.com, Precision Time, Search Scout Toolbar, Site Pass,
Weather scope, Web Secure Alert, you will never have to worry about these problems again, unless you download the software that supports it.

There is a one-time fee of $19.95 for this information and you may use PayPal, Personal check, (Will Have To clear Bank First), Money Order or Cashier’s Check.

You may make a direct Payment to http://www.paypal.com to the account of (e-mail address removed).

100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. I will answer any and all questions and your results will give you peace of mind and NO MORE POP-UP SPAM.

Greg Winski
Hello Internet Users:

Do you have *any* of the supported programs installed on your computer without your permission from GAIN.com or GATOR.com? Do those pop-ups irritate the hell out of you? I HAVE THE SOLUTION AND IT ONLY TAKES 5 MINUTES.

These programs *must* be uninstalled prior to being removed from the Ad-server Files, and I HAVE THE SOLUTION TO REMOVE ALL ADWARE, ESPECIALLY GATOR.COM AND GAIN.COM. Without properly removing the supported programs, these pain in the butt pop-up ads will continue and will in fact cause the self uninstall process to fail, thus the pop-up ads will continue to be bothersome and the supported programs will cease to function.

Once all supported programs are uninstalled, ie: Dash Bar, Date
Manager, Gator.com, Precision Time, Search Scout Toolbar, Site Pass,
Weather scope, Web Secure Alert, you will never have to worry about these problems again, unless you download the software that supports it.

There is a one-time fee of $19.95 for this information and you may use PayPal, Personal check, (Will Have To clear Bank First), Money Order or Cashier’s Check.

You may make a direct Payment to http://www.paypal.com to the account of (e-mail address removed).

100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. I will answer any and all questions and your results will give you peace of mind and NO MORE POP-UP SPAM.

Greg Winski
Hello Internet Users:

Do you have *any* of the supported programs installed on your computer without your permission from GAIN.com or GATOR.com? Do those pop-ups irritate the hell out of you? I HAVE THE SOLUTION AND IT ONLY TAKES 5 MINUTES.

These programs *must* be uninstalled prior to being removed from the Ad-server Files, and I HAVE THE SOLUTION TO REMOVE ALL ADWARE, ESPECIALLY GATOR.COM AND GAIN.COM. Without properly removing the supported programs, these pain in the butt pop-up ads will continue and will in fact cause the self uninstall process to fail, thus the pop-up ads will continue to be bothersome and the supported programs will cease to function.

Once all supported programs are uninstalled, ie: Dash Bar, Date
Manager, Gator.com, Precision Time, Search Scout Toolbar, Site Pass,
Weather scope, Web Secure Alert, you will never have to worry about these problems again, unless you download the software that supports it.

There is a one-time fee of $19.95 for this information and you may use PayPal, Personal check, (Will Have To clear Bank First), Money Order or Cashier’s Check.

You may make a direct Payment to http://www.paypal.com to the account of (e-mail address removed).

100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. I will answer any and all questions and your results will give you peace of mind and NO MORE POP-UP SPAM.

Greg Winski
Hello Internet Users:

Do you have *any* of the supported programs installed on your computer without your permission from GAIN.com or GATOR.com? Do those pop-ups irritate the hell out of you? I HAVE THE SOLUTION AND IT ONLY TAKES 5 MINUTES.

These programs *must* be uninstalled prior to being removed from the Ad-server Files, and I HAVE THE SOLUTION TO REMOVE ALL ADWARE, ESPECIALLY GATOR.COM AND GAIN.COM. Without properly removing the supported programs, these pain in the butt pop-up ads will continue and will in fact cause the self uninstall process to fail, thus the pop-up ads will continue to be bothersome and the supported programs will cease to function.

Once all supported programs are uninstalled, ie: Dash Bar, Date
Manager, Gator.com, Precision Time, Search Scout Toolbar, Site Pass,
Weather scope, Web Secure Alert, you will never have to worry about these problems again, unless you download the software that supports it.

There is a one-time fee of $19.95 for this information and you may use PayPal, Personal check, (Will Have To clear Bank First), Money Order or Cashier’s Check.

You may make a direct Payment to http://www.paypal.com to the account of (e-mail address removed).

100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. I will answer any and all questions and your results will give you peace of mind and NO MORE POP-UP SPAM.

Greg Winski