pop up problem



Hello! Hope someone can help! Every time that I get
online through Internet Explorer, this page pops up and
will not let me go any where else. I can't check my
hotmail, anything! This is the address,
http://296f8.ilxt.info/index.php?aid=20009. If anyone can
help, please reply. Thank you!

Don Varnau

This appears to be fairly new and the removal tools may not target it yet.
Work through the solutions (CWShredder, Ad-aware, Spybot) at
http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/unwanted.htm Also note the security tips on that

If those tools can't remove it, go to
http://www.aumha.org/a/quickfix.htm Work through steps 1-3, then post a
HijackThis log for analysis (step 4.) Be patient. You'll get excellent help,
but they're busy.

Additional information at:
The Parasite Fight http://www.aumha.org/a/quickfix.htm
More security tips at http://www.aumha.org/a/parasite.htm
Bugs, Glitches & Stuffups: http://www.mvps.org/inetexplorer/Darnit.htm

Hope this helps,

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

sable_n_sunflowers said:
Hello! Hope someone can help! Every time that I get
online through Internet Explorer, this page pops up and
will not let me go any where else. I can't check my
hotmail, anything! This is the address,
http://296f8.ilxt.info/index.php?aid=20009. If anyone can
help, please reply. Thank you!

First eliminate any scumware.
Dealing with Unwanted Malware, Parasites, Toolbars and Search Engines

Note that AdAware and SpyBot S & D will each catch some things the other
won't. Also, each needs to be updated with the program's update function
before every use, even when just downloaded. There's also a lot more to do
than just those two programs. CWShredder is also available here:
**Post your HijackThis log to
http://forums.spywareinfo.com/ or the Spyware forum at
http://forum.aumha.org/ for expert analysis, not here.**
Alternative download pages for Ad-Aware, Spybot, HijackThis and CWShredder
may be found on this page:

If nothing there helps, please post back to this thread.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

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