Sun, 15 Jan 2006 16:37:01 -0800 from profz
I keep getting the following message for the SVCHOSt.exe program.
"Instruction at 0x009996bc referenced memory location 0x00000000. Could not
be written" Does anybody have any thoughts on this type of an error? Thanks
In addition to Kurt Farrar's excellent suggestions, I recommend you
test your computer's memory. I started getting error messages like
yours, out of the blue, and it turned out to be a bad RAM chip.
The free tester I used is at (recommended by Malke in
one of these Windows XP newsgroups). You need to download a small
program from that site and burn it to a CD or floppy.
Since your own computer is suspect, ask to use a friend's or
colleague's computer to download and burn. It will be very quick.
You'll probably need third-party software to do this, as the CD or
floppy needs to be bootable and XP's native software can't create a
bootable CD. (I'm not sure about the bootable floppy ption, as my
computer has no floppy drive.) Nero can do this; probably Roxio can
also. I use the free software at <>.