sixpack said:
So are you telling me I didnt ask the right question ? Its what is
happening and what I want to know, how can that be a wrong question !
This is the first time I got no help here ! Oh Well !
There are a few here that you just have to make exceptions for or ignore
them, 6. Sometimes I think they're hoping you'll also mess up your
clarification just so they can redirect the thread to someplace you never
intended to get to. And they should know better, too. There are some very
helpful and knowledgeable people here but you don't always get to hear from
them. Then again sometimes it only takes patience and ignoring what are
sill questions.
Actually, "System Notification"s are one area of the sounds I've never
figured out how to track down. They happen often and much more than a
short, faint "pop" as you call it, can get pretty annoying if there are too
many of them. I know, I replaced it with a voice message one<G>! It simply
means the "system", your computer system, has been notified of one of a
gazillion different possibilities and it's letting you know that.
I've replaced most of the system sounds that have any meaning to me with
voice messages instead so that instead of the annoying tadaaa for instance,
I hear "Windows is starting" or something like that. I've done similar for
each one that's worth knowing IMO and simply turned off the others. In
general if it has no meaning to me, I simply remove the sound. If it is
meaningful, I've replaced the .wav files with ones I made that state what
happened in words. Some are pretty handy, espeically on the 'net.
Should you figure out how to tell what it's connected with, I'd
appreciate hearing back on it. Personally I'm not sure you can without
doing a LOT of work!