Poor video quality

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill
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I am new to this NG, just found you guys last Sunday. Have already found
some great advice just in reading the posts. I have been learning to use
MM and MyDVD and it has been very easy to use. My only problem is with
the finished product. I am burning AVI files to the dvd and the quality
leaves a lot to be desired. The video is not as good as the analog tape
it was taken from. Is there somthing I am overlooking? Very new to this
video making but having fun!!

Hi Bill,

Here's a couple steps that are particularly important for quality....

- saving the movie in MM2 as DV-AVI (MyDVD can handle either WMV or DV-AVI)

- the quality of rendering the MPEG2 file. MyDVD does a good job but TMPGEnc
is considered the best low-end software app to make an MPEG2 file (link on
my Setup > Software page - in the utilities section).

These might fall into the category of minor quality tweaks.... so if you're
seeing a major issue, then it might be something else.

Movie Maker 2 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org

Are you capturing the video to your PC as DV-AVI? or as WMV? Check to see
that your WMV capture is as high as you can go, or if you have the space try
DV-AVI for capture (Huge).

You may be losing some of your quality at the capture step...
Thanks for the reply John. I am saving in the avi format and do not see
much differance in the qualty between avi and the wmv format. I would
think it would be as good as the orignal vcr tapes. I'll keep trying.....

Thats what I have been doing, capturing as WMV. Not good? I was very
pleased with the ease of capture compared to my previous setup using
Pinnacle 8. MM was a piece of cake and I just used the default settings.
Thanks for the tip I will check into it.
Just checked out my capture settings and I am capturing a wmv file in
the Highest Quality (Large) mode. These are analog tapes and MM2 does
not give the option to capture in the AVI mode unless it's from a DV
source. So I guess this is good as it gets.

If you do not have to do any editing of the video you are capturing you can use the feature in MYDVD called "Record direct to DVD" When I did it this way I ended up with a DVD that was the same quality as my original VHS that I capture.