Poor sound on Phillips DVD+RW SDVD 8820

Dec 1, 2010
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Help please.

I have a Dell Inspiron 9400 which has a problem when I try to play Audio Discs. My system operates Windows XP and I have an ASDL Modem.

When I start up or close down the pc the normal sound signal is ok so I assume the speakers must be ok.

Some sound does get through from the audio disk but is breaking up whilst the swirly background visuals on-screen are ok. I ran 'Driver Detective' and the Driver is reported to be ok. Other discs containing data only are ok to view.

Do you think a replacement DVD + RW unit is required please.

thank you

Transfer some audio files to your hard disk and play them. If they sound ok then suspect your optical drive.

Prove the audio disks play ok on a different CD player.

Before replacing the drive try a laser lens cleaning disk on it (they're about £5 - £7 from Staples, PC World et al). If playback still rubbish - new drive.

And I'd steer clear of Driver Detective - it's rubbish.
Phillips DVD+RW SDVD 8820

Hi Floppybootstomp,
Thank you for your express advice. I tried the audio disk on another computer - it was ok. I borrowed a laser lens cleaner - still not ok. I transferred some audio files to hard disk on the Inspiron - played faultlessly. So it looks like I will have to borrow from the wife to buy a new optical drive.
I uninstalled Driver Detective.

Many thanks again for your guidance.
