poor quality pics

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You really can't put photos on your site directly from your camera. You need
to resize and optimize them first with image editing software.
This article might help!
Here's a FREE program to get started with:
Your larger images are way too big. Cut them down to about 600 pixels wide
so the whole photo can be seen without scrolling. And be sure you optimize
them down to a smaller file size so they will load more quickly.... no
larger than 60 - 90 kb each.
HPIMO184.jpg is 991kb!!!
Take spaces out of your folder and file names.
Some of the larger images are not in focus.
thx. i,ll try again this weekend

E. T. Culling said:
You really can't put photos on your site directly from your camera. You need
to resize and optimize them first with image editing software.
This article might help!
Here's a FREE program to get started with:
Your larger images are way too big. Cut them down to about 600 pixels wide
so the whole photo can be seen without scrolling. And be sure you optimize
them down to a smaller file size so they will load more quickly.... no
larger than 60 - 90 kb each.
HPIMO184.jpg is 991kb!!!
Take spaces out of your folder and file names.
Some of the larger images are not in focus.
actually the look good...but they are incredibly HUGE.

| put pictures from my camera on web page, then auto thumbnail. appear fine
| when preview in browser. but after uploaded them, thumbs seem ok but when
| click to get orginal pic. they look very bad.
| ?????http://www.canddpoolsandspas.com/spathumbs1.htm
another possibility....in the event you are using dial-up with "Data
images size is reduced as part of the "acceleration' process resulting
in faster
downloads but poorer resolution.
That is especially so with AOL. Avoid it!
another possibility....in the event you are using dial-up with "Data
images size is reduced as part of the "acceleration' process resulting
in faster
downloads but poorer resolution.
E. T. Culling said:
That is especially so with AOL. Avoid it!

"E. T. Culling", your article was very helpful. it turned out to be aol compressing the files. turned off the compression as you explained and now i can see them clearly. still need to resize and crop them all though.
is it possible to do it on the remote website or do i have to delete those
images and upload the reworked images again from my computer.

thx to all for the previous replies
You need to re-process them, using your favorite Image editor program NOT
Frontpage. Frontpage is not a good tool for images.

IrFanview or Xnview are both excellent programs (free too) to resize,
rename, optimize and more...they both can batch process images and are easy
to use.

You need to resize them to the size that you want the large image to be (you
can make the thumbs too if you want).
Optimize them down to abt 20K file size (try 70% or so before you do batch)
You need to RENAME them! remove spaces and capitalization from the file

Experiment with a couple first, then batch them all into a folder OUTSIDE of
FP. Then IMPORT them into FP and replace them into your design.

(Delete the old ones off the web first before Publishing the new ones)

| "E. T. Culling" wrote:
| > That is especially so with AOL. Avoid it!
| > Eleanor
| > | > > another possibility....in the event you are using dial-up with "Data
| > > Acceleration"
| > > images size is reduced as part of the "acceleration' process resulting
| > > in faster
| > > downloads but poorer resolution.
| > >
| > >
| > > roy wrote:
| > >> put pictures from my camera on web page, then auto thumbnail. appear
| > >> fine
| > >> when preview in browser. but after uploaded them, thumbs seem ok but
| > >> click to get orginal pic. they look very bad.
| > >> ?????http://www.canddpoolsandspas.com/spathumbs1.htm
| > >
| > "E. T. Culling", your article was very helpful. it turned out to be aol
compressing the files. turned off the compression as you explained and now i
can see them clearly. still need to resize and crop them all though.
| is it possible to do it on the remote website or do i have to delete those
| images and upload the reworked images again from my computer.
| thx to all for the previous replies
| >
| >
And make backups of the images BEFORE you start processing them -
optimisation is a one way process, go too far and you cannot go back.
I usually burn the originals to CDR, and then play with copies.

| And make backups of the images BEFORE you start processing them -
| optimisation is a one way process, go too far and you cannot go back.
| I usually burn the originals to CDR, and then play with copies.
| --
| Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
| Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
| FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/
| message | > You need to re-process them, using your favorite Image editor
| program NOT
| > Frontpage. Frontpage is not a good tool for images.
| >
| > IrFanview or Xnview are both excellent programs (free too) to
| resize,
| > rename, optimize and more...they both can batch process images and
| are easy
| > to use.
| >
| > You need to resize them to the size that you want the large image to
| be (you
| > can make the thumbs too if you want).
| > Optimize them down to abt 20K file size (try 70% or so before you do
| batch)
| > You need to RENAME them! remove spaces and capitalization from the
| file
| > name.
| >
| > Experiment with a couple first, then batch them all into a folder
| > FP. Then IMPORT them into FP and replace them into your design.
| >
| > (Delete the old ones off the web first before Publishing the new
| ones)
| >
| >
| > | > |
| > |
| > | "E. T. Culling" wrote:
| > |
| > | > That is especially so with AOL. Avoid it!
| > | > Eleanor
| > | > | > | > > another possibility....in the event you are using dial-up with
| "Data
| > | > > Acceleration"
| > | > > images size is reduced as part of the "acceleration' process
| resulting
| > | > > in faster
| > | > > downloads but poorer resolution.
| > | > >
| > | > >
| > | > > roy wrote:
| > | > >> put pictures from my camera on web page, then auto thumbnail.
| appear
| > | > >> fine
| > | > >> when preview in browser. but after uploaded them, thumbs seem
| ok but
| > when
| > | > >> click to get orginal pic. they look very bad.
| > | > >> ?????http://www.canddpoolsandspas.com/spathumbs1.htm
| > | > >
| > | > "E. T. Culling", your article was very helpful. it turned out
| to be aol
| > compressing the files. turned off the compression as you explained
| and now i
| > can see them clearly. still need to resize and crop them all though.
| > | is it possible to do it on the remote website or do i have to
| delete those
| > | images and upload the reworked images again from my computer.
| > |
| > | thx to all for the previous replies
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
I just use graphics editing software that lets me see what the optimized
image looks like before outputting it.
me too.

|I just use graphics editing software that lets me see what the optimized
| image looks like before outputting it.
| --
| Murray
| ============
| | > backups?
| > :-)
| >
| >
| > | > | And make backups of the images BEFORE you start processing them -
| > | optimisation is a one way process, go too far and you cannot go back.
| > | I usually burn the originals to CDR, and then play with copies.
| > | --
| > | Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
| > | Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
| > | FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/
| > |
| > |
| > | message | > | > You need to re-process them, using your favorite Image editor
| > | program NOT
| > | > Frontpage. Frontpage is not a good tool for images.
| > | >
| > | > IrFanview or Xnview are both excellent programs (free too) to
| > | resize,
| > | > rename, optimize and more...they both can batch process images and
| > | are easy
| > | > to use.
| > | >
| > | > You need to resize them to the size that you want the large image to
| > | be (you
| > | > can make the thumbs too if you want).
| > | > Optimize them down to abt 20K file size (try 70% or so before you do
| > | batch)
| > | > You need to RENAME them! remove spaces and capitalization from the
| > | file
| > | > name.
| > | >
| > | > Experiment with a couple first, then batch them all into a folder
| > | OUTSIDE of
| > | > FP. Then IMPORT them into FP and replace them into your design.
| > | >
| > | > (Delete the old ones off the web first before Publishing the new
| > | ones)
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > | "E. T. Culling" wrote:
| > | > |
| > | > | > That is especially so with AOL. Avoid it!
| > | > | > Eleanor
| > | > | > | > | > | > > another possibility....in the event you are using dial-up with
| > | "Data
| > | > | > > Acceleration"
| > | > | > > images size is reduced as part of the "acceleration' process
| > | resulting
| > | > | > > in faster
| > | > | > > downloads but poorer resolution.
| > | > | > >
| > | > | > >
| > | > | > > roy wrote:
| > | > | > >> put pictures from my camera on web page, then auto thumbnail.
| > | appear
| > | > | > >> fine
| > | > | > >> when preview in browser. but after uploaded them, thumbs seem
| > | ok but
| > | > when
| > | > | > >> click to get orginal pic. they look very bad.
| > | > | > >> ?????http://www.canddpoolsandspas.com/spathumbs1.htm
| > | > | > >
| > | > | > "E. T. Culling", your article was very helpful. it turned out
| > | to be aol
| > | > compressing the files. turned off the compression as you explained
| > | and now i
| > | > can see them clearly. still need to resize and crop them all though.
| > | > | is it possible to do it on the remote website or do i have to
| > | delete those
| > | > | images and upload the reworked images again from my computer.
| > | > |
| > | > | thx to all for the previous replies
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
large linked to images are still much bigger than they need to be (120K+)
you can optimize them down a lot more - i bet you can get them down to 20+
and not see any diff.
you still have folders with spaces (%20) in their names.

| thankyou to all
| i think i may have got my pics straightened out (although may still be a
| shade to big) after downloading 3 programs, a few hours of confusion,
| up several pages in the site, ect. but at least i'm learning a little. any
| suggestions welcome
| http://www.canddpoolsandspas.com/leakthumbs.htm
| "roy" wrote:
| > put pictures from my camera on web page, then auto thumbnail. appear
| > when preview in browser. but after uploaded them, thumbs seem ok but
| > click to get orginal pic. they look very bad.
| > ?????http://www.canddpoolsandspas.com/spathumbs1.htm
well i figure out how to get the file size down but havent loaded them yet.
i think fp must put that %20 in there automatically for some reason on some
files because thats not what there named???
If you create a file/folder with blanks in the name, then FP replaces blanks with %20
"digging%20foam" is the same as "digging foam"

It is a good idea to *not* have blanks in any filename on the web. You can use "-" or "_" or just have no blanks/separators at all.
well i think i finally got all the spaces out and the pics optimized (maybe a
little to much, but they still do thier job) but theres still a whole bunch
more to do to the site.
thx all
really appreciate the help!