Dave Broer
I have about 20 years worth of temperature data that I'm trying to
devise the smoothed normal values from. For example, the average
temperature for the past 20 July 4th's is 80, July 5th 81, July 6th 79,
etc. I have the data ploted nicely on a XY Scatter chart. I also have
a polynomial trendline (order 6) plotted through the data and it
perfectly smooths the data.
However, I can only estimate the values for a given day and I would like
to have the value that the trendline is ploting as a value in a cell. I
can put the formula on the chart, but not much else. I know that the
formula has to be deriving a value somehow and plotting it on graph.
Is there someone here who might know how I can do this? I can provide
example data if needed.
Thanks for any and all assistance!
I have about 20 years worth of temperature data that I'm trying to
devise the smoothed normal values from. For example, the average
temperature for the past 20 July 4th's is 80, July 5th 81, July 6th 79,
etc. I have the data ploted nicely on a XY Scatter chart. I also have
a polynomial trendline (order 6) plotted through the data and it
perfectly smooths the data.
However, I can only estimate the values for a given day and I would like
to have the value that the trendline is ploting as a value in a cell. I
can put the formula on the chart, but not much else. I know that the
formula has to be deriving a value somehow and plotting it on graph.
Is there someone here who might know how I can do this? I can provide
example data if needed.
Thanks for any and all assistance!