I have a printed chart that shows a polynomial curve with temperature vaules
as X and resistivity values as Y. The X values are given in 500 degree
increments, and the Y in 0.1 increments. I recreated the printed chart using
the major gridline values from it and now have a trend chart in excel that
matches it.
Using the Polynomial trend function, excel has given me a matching curve and
formula of "y = 0.0014xE+4 - 0.0322xE+3 + 0.2571xE+2 - 0.7144x + 1.4873".
I have entered that formula to now solve for Y given different values of X.
All of the calculated values for Y are incorrect. For example - if X is 0, Y
should = 1. With the above formula Y = 1.4873. The values for Y get
progressively further away from what they should be the great the value for X.
I have a printed chart that shows a polynomial curve with temperature vaules
as X and resistivity values as Y. The X values are given in 500 degree
increments, and the Y in 0.1 increments. I recreated the printed chart using
the major gridline values from it and now have a trend chart in excel that
matches it.
Using the Polynomial trend function, excel has given me a matching curve and
formula of "y = 0.0014xE+4 - 0.0322xE+3 + 0.2571xE+2 - 0.7144x + 1.4873".
I have entered that formula to now solve for Y given different values of X.
All of the calculated values for Y are incorrect. For example - if X is 0, Y
should = 1. With the above formula Y = 1.4873. The values for Y get
progressively further away from what they should be the great the value for X.