Police Dogs only allowed to head butt now!


I have heard it all now ... I can die in peace.

Of all the hair-brained ideas, this has to take top prize award.

"Sir, can you please come with us to the Police Station ... it is very naughty of you to do that."

WTF are these people smoking!?

thats the most rediculous thing i've ever heard
This is an easy problem to fix, send out these terrifying beasts:


Why not upgrade the accommodation too? Cells can be really cramped, and sometimes even uncomfortable:

This is an easy problem to fix, send out these terrifying beasts:

:eek: Those two are seriously scary Ian, I bet no criminal - oops, I meant 'naughty person' - would like to be confronted by them when making an escape from the recently burgled premises :lol:
Ian Cunningham said:
Why not upgrade the accommodation too? Cells can be really cramped, and sometimes even uncomfortable:

How many cells have you been in Ian? :p

The only time dogs are really used is at riots to try and control the siruation.... very rarely do police use dogs (correct me if im wrong!).. silly to use those mask things on them... and I think they only really use the sniffer ones for drugs...
Police dogs are not just used for crowd control, but also for searching and tracking (missing persons and criminals) they are used in prisons too.

According to a BBC website article here, there are approximately 2,500 Police dogs in England and Wales (apologies to any Scots, but it didn't include any stats for plaid-collared canines.)

Specialist dogs, often Springer Spaniels and Labradors, are trained to search for drugs, firearms and explosives.

So the tail-waggers are still kept pretty busy :D
so sad

My Grandad would march to parliament and slap Judges, politically correct noobs , able non-working Brits , and immigrants that offer no value to society or the countries economy . and i would stand right besides him with my hand in his pocket looking into his eyes with an awe reserved for heroes and wish​
Political correctness MFA:mad: Do good-ers at it again:nod: I have a rottweiler bitch:nod: enough said [welcome] Whoof! Whoof! Wheres my ars:)
Was thinking of writing a strongly worded letter to david cameron seeing as he is looking likely to be next PM

There are many things are starting to **** me off.
I thought coppers weren't supposed to smoke that stuff?!! :eek:

They'll be putting foam padding on the battons next... in case anyone gets a bruise or anything...

The scariest thing is that there's bound to be some other twit/s out there who'll think it's a good idea & follow suit.

By the way, Ian, you wanna watch out for them monstas! They'll have your ankle off if you're not careful!!! :nod: